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Monday, September 17, 2012

Happy September!

Azul & Luna after romping around in the bay

Mr. Azul and baby-girl, Luna, miss going to school and hanging out with the best kids ever! If they can help you with homework, just let them know.
   paws up! (high five in doggie speak)

Saturday, August 18, 2012

what are you reading?

My husband, Mr Terry is an avid reader!       In this picture he's reading the delicious menu from The BIG Kitchen in San Diego. Yum!

In addition to menus he reads the local newspaper every morning. Currently he is also reading a fiction novel titled Zorro by Isabel Allende.

What are you reading??

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Summer fun

Hop on over to our other COOL class blog to respond...

Thursday, May 10, 2012

1st graders share their writing with 6th graders...again! yay!

Listening to first graders personal narrative writing is a blast!

"What I liked about your writing was how you..."

"Did I just hear you use the transition word, 'finally' at the end of your paragraph? Fantastic!"

We all hope to see you again, especially before we move on to Middle School. You guys are so smart, cute and funny!