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Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Thursday is the day!

We will be celebrating those who turned in Quality this week. If you did: game time; if not, study hall.

Due Thursday, Dec 18: Along with DynaMath pages and white Patterns packet (see below), SAB pages 53 & 54 on area and symmetry, must be completed.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Please Come to Colorado!

Due Wed., Dec. 17

First plan our what you want to tell your friend from Arkansas about our terrific state, Colorado.

Secondly write out your descriptive letter to your friend.

Lastly, check for grammar, super sentences, and $100 words!

Due Thursday Dec. 18

DynaMath pages 4,5 & 16

Math packet (white) Patterns & Functions

Monday, December 15, 2008

Tongue Twisters

Fun with alliteration!

Practice and memorize your tongue twister.

Due: Tues., Dec. 16

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Angels working on < Angles >

Measuring Angles SAB 39, 40, 41 (42 is extra credit)

Similar or Congruent Angles (yellow packet)
Obtuse, Right Angle, and Acute Angles; Triangles

Due: Thursday, Dec. 11

Body Building sheet Due Friday, Dec. 12

Movie(s) and Dance Permission Form- Due ASAP!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Read & Response Log

Get started on it today. (Get 'er Done)
Do your reading and then write a letter to one of your character's. Help your reader see what you see; SHow SHOW SHHHHOW!!!

Due Next Mon., Dec 15th

Monday, December 8, 2008

SAB pages 34-38 Quadrilaterals and Right Angles

Scholastic News "The Great Debate" pages 4-6, and String of Events and Solving Problems sheet. What problem did one of our Founding Fathers, James Madison, face and then eventually solve?

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Shapes and division review

Finish the SAB Packet thru page 28.

Read and Response! It's due Monday.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Think Polygons== make like a polygon==

SAB pages 13-18, and 23. How many sides in an octagon, quadrilateral, decagon...?

Monday, December 1, 2008

What is a Polygon?

How many line segments does this shape have? Count the vertices or endpoints too. Is it a polygon? Why?