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Friday, January 30, 2009

How many days are there in February, and WHY?

What's white, has 11 pages, a pizza, some pennies, jellybeans and a car on it?
You guessed it! The "Number Sense" white packet DUE Monday, 2/2/09

Thanks to Erika, Chessa, and Amanda for bringing in money for Pennies for Patients--already! You can start your collecting this weekend. Bring in what you can fourth graders.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Why was the necktie invented? $1500 if you know!

SAB 55-60 Due Fri morning

"Number Sense" White packet due Monday morning, Feb 2
Tomorrow is "Tie day"

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Broken Calculator: The 2 and 5 keys are broken...

How do you make 50 by using a calculator, but the 2 key and the 5 key are broken?

DUE Thursday: SAB 49-52.
Coming up: White "Number Sense" math packet & SAB 55-60 are due Friday 1/30

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Tis the Season and Haley's the Reason!

Haley Congrats on making it to the Arvada Spelling Bee!

In your honor: NO homework tonight.

We will be sending you sweet

spelling bee

calming vibes!

Monday, January 26, 2009

Which sum is closest to 1,000?

703 + 122 OR 411 + 601 ?????

Think of our "Closest to 1,000" game to help you!

Tonight: SAB 35, 36, 37 --- I see reading in your future too...yes?!
Be thinking of ways you can help or give back to your community. Scholastic News: "Kids Give Back"

Thursday, January 22, 2009

What's the place value of the 8 in the number below?

----SAB 25, 26 & 30 ----
"Rating Snacks" - What is your mom's or dad's favotire or least favorite snack food? Let's chart the data tomorrow in class.
----Read for 20 minutes as well!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

What addition stategy works for you?

SAB - p. 17 OK, how would you figure out what 888 + 435 = ?
Did you break it down? Use a number line? Add by place? Did you change any numbers around?

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Doggie Dollars

DynaMath pages 4 & 5 "Doggie Dollars"

ALL Friday Notes and Read & Response Logs MUST be signed, and turned in.

Recess time is hanging in the balance!!!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

How Many Miles to 1000?

You've traveled 813 miles. How many more miles to 1,000?
How did you figure out the answer? What did it look like in you head? Strategy used?

As you know SAB pages 9, 10 & 11 (yes, 11 is EC) are due on Thursday Jan. 15, 2008
If you haven't yet, turn in the reading and writing packets: Fireflies (yellow) and Giant Spider (white).

Friday, January 9, 2009

I made 5 dozen bagels and gave 8 away. What's left over?

On Fri we turned in: SAB 6&7 & "Run-on Sentences"

On Monday Jan 12 we will turn in: Buying Bagles (real world math),

"Remember This" using the web graphic organizer,

signed Read & Response Log along with signed Friday Note.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

What's the difference between 347 and 381?

We are engaging in terrific strategies to figure out such our head! That's right, mental computation is what it's all about.

Get out the lead, and figure it out in your head!

So finish creating your 1000's book and let's play more "Oh No! 99!" so we can be experts.

Also, SAB 1-4 (3 is EC)
DynaMath pages 6 and 7

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Welcome Back Fantastic Fourth Graders! Are you ready to rock?

Today we started our 1000's Book and learned how to play "Oh no! 99!"

Look for upcoming student strategies on how to play and win this super cool card game.
___________&& %%%% ######______________________

We also talked and acted out verbs and adjectives from our winter break. Fun and entertaining!

How would you act out the word "slobbery" or "hiking?"