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Friday, August 28, 2009

Monday is the BIG day

Be ready to rock Monday, August 31, 2009

Our 5th grade daily schedule will look like this:

735-800 Breakfast & Social Skills
800-845 Specials

850-945 Language Arts: Writing
945-1110 Language Arts: Reading

1115-1155 Lunch & Recess

12-1240 Social Studies
1245-145 Math Investigations
145-220 Science
220-230 Wrap-up

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Summer Artifacts Due Friday

**Parents: I look forward to seeing you Thursday evening for "Back to School Night" Ice cream will be served YUM YUM

6-630 or 645-715 in our classroom______________________________________

Assigned: Wed, August 26th

Due: Fri, August 28th

Bring in 5-7 artifacts/objects that will help you “show” and explain your summer break (artifacts are tangible and can be touched/held).


· Ask your parent &/ guardian for permission before bringing items to school on Friday.

Be prepared to explain and show your items to our class this Friday.

Enjoy your search for summer related items to bring to school!!

Summer Artifact examples:

· pictures, books or magazines you read, ticket stubs from Lakeside or Elitch’s, poem you read or wrote, scary story (written down) that you told, favorite summer music (CD), camping items, favorite game (a piece from it or draw a picture of it), ribbon or trophy you won, picture you drew over the summer, letters or postcards you received, etc.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

1st assignment of the year!

First HW assignment:
Bring in 5-7 artifacts (things) that will help you show our class what your summer was like.

Saturday, August 15, 2009