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Monday, September 28, 2009

Word Work

Our next spelling test is tomorrow Tuesday, Sept 29th
~~Remember to spend some quality time reading and retelling what you read to an adult family member. Reading LOG (as always) due Thursday.

Friday, September 25, 2009


Bring in those box tops!


  1. Turn in your orders and money for PTA Fundraiser by Wednesday, Sept 30

  2. Play some math games this weekend--just for fun!

  3. Enter a pie eating contest -- just for fun!

  4. Read something interesting -- because you can!
See your bright and shiny faces on Monday***********************

Yes, we will have a spelling test next week...
Scholastic Book Orders are Due: Friday, Oct 2
Our class UserName: MsGarciasGreatClass
Password: FitzReads

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Friday Dues

Falcon Spirit Day! Wear your school shirt or sweatshirt. Or wear falcon colors: Blue, Yellow and White.


Green Sentence sheet

Spelling Home Word Work (with parent signature)

Redone Math SAB pages

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

R Log etc

Due Thursday: Reading LOG **3 hours or more is the weekly reading expectation for 5th graders

Due Friday:
>Completed or redone math SAB pages
>>Word Work at home (no peeking sort) with parent signature
>>>Sentences: Statements to Questions & Questions to Statements -- Complete Sentences are necessary!

So, who can tell Domo what a square number is?

Friday, September 18, 2009

Review your math vocabulary

What is the difference between factors and multiples?

Name a prime number. (click for definition)

Why is it prime?

Can you name all the square numbers up to 100?

Why are they called square?

Enjoy a super fab book this weekend.... practice math facts... make up a song to help you remember what the multiples of 12 are...

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Healthy Building Blocks

A Scholastic News worksheet: Healthy Building Blocks (front and back)
due Friday

Reading LOG was due today!

Good luck helping our school raise money for NEW playground equipment... I loved seeing your excitement to get started, 5th graders.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

2nd spelling test

If you've been practicing and sorting your words by pattern &/ sound you are ready!
Spelling test tomorrow.

Acuity Math testing is also tomorrow 930-11. Get a solid amount of sleep, and I'll see you Wed.

Monday, September 14, 2009

The Living Book ~a record of our life

Remember to bring in some artifacts (stickers, pictures, drawings, cards, magazine cut-outs, comic strips), to paste them on to your 5th grade "Living Book."

Make the artifacts special as they will each say something about your personality!

Also, if you took your Pledge of Allegience fact sheet and related crossword home tonight, you can turn it in first thing Tues. morning, and have some free time before specials.

Spelling Test Wednesday.
Reading Log due Thursday.
Book Orders due tomorrow, Sept 15th!

Friday, September 11, 2009

  • Enjoy the Arvada Harvest Parade this Saturday

  • Respect yourself by taking care of YOU!
  • Find some time to relax and read something interesting
  • LauGH!
  • Practice your spelling sorts and math facts
  • Click on a math web link (to the right) to help your practice your facts

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Word Sorts

Word Work at Home

Your new words should be practiced at home (white sheet).

Expectation: "No-Peeking" word sort with an adult tonight. Remember to get their signature too! (Due Tomorrow)

Also, leave your word cards at home so you can practice sorting and studying word patterns in the evening.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Reading is FUN!

Thursday's Weekly Book Log is due 9/10/09

Math Assessment is due 9/10/09

Remember, you will have spelling homework on Thursday evening.

Parents: Our next spelling test will be next week. Thanks!

Friday, September 4, 2009

Labor Day

Extra credit-------Why do we acknowledge and honor Labor Day in America?

Homework--Independent Reading (Reading LOG)

No School Monday--Labor Day
See you all bright eyed and bushy tailed on Tuesday!

Happy Birthday Emma, and thanks for sharing those delicious bananas with your entire class--you RoCk!!!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Homework due tomorrow:

Study those spelling words! Test tomorrow

Science Homework

Reading Log (unless turned in today)

Social Studies (unless turned in today)

Friday Fun for those of you making excellent choices this week. Way to be!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Where did your family come from, originally?

Assigned Wed. 9/2

Due: Thur. 9/3

Social Studies HW: Where is your family from? What is your family history? Your heritage?

Bring in as much written information as you found out when you asked mom &/ dad or grandma or grandpa these questions. Have fun!

You are the historian collecting valuable and fascinating family data!