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Friday, October 29, 2010

This weekend---enjoy

 Enjoy your Halloween weekend you little goblins... 

We will learn more about the holiday of Day of the Dead next week.  

Catch up on reading and math if you didn't finish it in class on Friday.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Halloween is in the air...

What a cute pumpkin baby!
Homework: Get your Halloween costume ready for our parade and party tomorrow. This is not a trick, it's a swEEt treat!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

What a BIG night!

Tonight: Practice your commercial promoting the common good. We will be shooting videos tomorrow! I can't wait to see and hear your masterpieces 8-))

2.3 Comparing Fractions to Benchmarks

Daily Work: Finish all---A,B, C & D (p. 24). We did A & B together in class today.
Reading Log is due. You have a freebie tonight: You don't need to do Word Work from HW Menu. If you choose to do Word Work it will count as extra credit---bonus~~

"Buena suerte!!" barked Azul and Luna

Science: AQ from 2-1 which we all tried to finish today in Science block. The ones on task, did!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Bring in Wed., Oct 27th

*Math: Daily Work 2.2 Finding Equivalent Fractions (p. 21-22)
To meet standard: #A1-7, B1
To exceed standard: Any of other problems on pages 22 and 23, etc (refer to heading from today in class)

*HW Menu: Your last writing assignment for October

X __________________ Parents/Guardians signature: Science Unit Test and Mineral Research Project

Monday, October 25, 2010

For 10/26 you will need to have...

For tomorrow:  ACE #1,2,or3 (p. 28)
   Word problems need words in them!!

       Also, you need to do your last math hw menu assignment for October.

Friday, October 22, 2010

This weekend

Our BIG Science Test is Monday which covers our entire book on minerals.

Catch up on your responses to your indep. reading. Keep those Reading Rockets in mind!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Due Friday

Your plan for the long-term Friday Mix-up assignment is due. See HW Menu for details.
MR1 is due as well tomorrow.

By the way, our Science Test has been moved to Monday, Oct. 25!!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Due 10/21

  FYI- As students know, they will have 15-20 minutes in class tomorrow to finish up ACE HW

Daily Work
#A & C (p.10)
Homework 10-20-10

Playing Megan's SlAm! math game
1.4 ACE # 13-16, 27 & 32 (p.14-16)
             EC & EXT: 21-23 & 32-35 (p.15 & 17)

Also due tomorrow:
     Word Work from HW Menu
Reading Log
Our Science Mineral Unit test is Friday (study sheet reminder given out today), and
Long Term Commercial plan/outline is due Friday 10/22

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

DuE Wed--nes--day!!


Daily Work
1.3 Measuring Progress
#A-D (p. 8-9)
Homework 1.3
ACE # 3-8, even/odd problems only (p. 12-13)
EC & EXT: All of 3-8 & 9-11 (p. 12-13)

~Writing HW from HW Menu
~~Start studying for Science Test on Minerals
Spelling Test tomorrow too, busy bees!

Friday, October 15, 2010

Monday OCT 18 Walk IT!

Who's walking to school Monday?
It is COOL to walk to school (and have yum yum yummy hot chocolate waiting for you..)

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Some Word Work, Math and Reading Log

Math: Fraction Finder #10 & #14 (started in class today)

Playing student created math games today!
Word Work from HW Menu

(due Thurs-day along with your Reading LOG)

~~Choice** **Make up your own Qulaity Word Work HW assignment.** Assess yourself and tell why you deserve such a grade.

~~Write down at least 9 words from our Science mineral or igneous rock unit. Choose words or phrases that you find challenging to spell at times. For ex: geology, pyrite, pumice or granite.
After choosing the words help them come alive on index cards. Illustrations and letter play can help with your visual recall. (We did this with math vocab. “factor” and “multiple” "exponent" and recently "denominator" and "numerator"

~~Choose 8-12 of your spelling words for the week. Write your words and then write them again with the letters mixed or scrambled up. Ex: zombie -- bioezm

~~Write a poem, rap, short story, or song that includes at least 15 of your recent spelling words. Be sure to make your spelling words stand out in your piece of writing. Shout out to Megan (amneg), and Erika (keiar) for help with this HW idea.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Wednesday's Writing and Math

Check your HW Menu for writing assignment due tomorrow. Are you working on your advertisement??

Daily and ACE


Daily Work
1.1 Reporting Progress
#A & B (p.6)

ACE # 1A (p. 12) & 23 (p. 15)
EC: #20-22 (p. 15)

EXT: #1A, B & C (p. 12) & #31 (p. 17)

Monday, October 11, 2010

Tuesday: Math HW from Menu due

We will begin our new math book, Bits & Pieces, tomorrow.

What you need to do tonight b/c it's DUE tomorrow:

Choose one of the remaining 3 HW Menu items in Math section. If a choice option remember to assess yourself and tell why such a grade is deserved. Quality counts!

Math (Due Tues-days)

*Make you own version of Slam! game. You may use factors, fractions, decimals, multiples or a combination of all four on your game board. Feel free to use a ghoulish Halloween theme for your Slam! game drawing or outline. Jamie (mijae) offered this idea for October’s menu.

    * Choice** Make up your own math HW assignment.**Complete it as best you can. Then, give yourself a grade (self assess). If YOU don’t think your work is quality 6th grade level work, then it probably isn’t. Go ahead-- take at least 5 more minutes to make it better!
 *1-Fraction Skill Practice: White Socks, Black Socks starring Rowena Pig and Judy Frog.
2-Multiplication and Division Practice: Who’s Got the Button starring Molly Mouse and Aunt Betty (both attached).       ****You are expected to try the Super Challenge problems at bottom of pages.

 *Use grid paper to make an aerial or bird’s eye view of your bedroom. Make sure it has been carefully colored and easy for your reader to understand. EC: Use coordinates to help find at least 5 items on your map. This suggestion was brought to you by: Natalie (inetala).

Friday, October 8, 2010

Were you pulled in by the FLASHing colors!??

Our class discovered: Don't Buy It, Get Media Smart!

We are beginning to discover what kind of advertising pushes our "Buy IT" buttons. More next week.Stay tuned... 

~~~~~Start reading and logging your written responses on our new and improved 6th grade Independent Reading Log.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

For Friday

Complete the Prime Time Unit Test Review. Study for Unit test which will be Friday.

Also, finish up rough draft, revised and edited copy and published version of your persuasive "Clothes War" prompt as it is due tomorrow as well.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

We do not have math HW tonight.

Word Work assignment from your HW Menu is due Thursday along with your Independent Reading Log.

Word Work  
  (due Thurs-day along with your Reading LOG)

 Choice---Make up your own Word Work HW assignment. ((6th grade level quality work))

Write down at least 9 words from our Science mineral or igneous rock unit.  Choose words or phrases that you find challenging to spell at times.
  For ex: geology, pyrite, magma, pumice.
After choosing the words help them come alive on index cards. Illustrations and letter play  can help with your visual recall. (We did this with math vocab. “factor” and “multiple” in Sept.)

Choose 8-12 of your spelling words for the week. Write your words and then write them again with the letters mixed or scrambled up.     Ex: zombie -- bioezm

Write a poem, rap, short story, or song that includes at least 15 of your recent spelling words. Be sure to make your spelling words stand out in your piece of writing.  Shout out to Megan (amneg), and Erika (keiar) for help with this HW idea.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Math ACE due Tuesday & Wed.

Due Tues.: (Today)
4.2 Factor Strings
ACE 4-6 & 12 (p. 56)

Due Wed.:
4.3 Daily Work: #A1 & 2
#19 & 22 (p. 57)
EC #32 (p. 58), EXT: 36 (p. 59)

Writing from HW Menu is also due tomorrow.

Writing--October HW MENU

Writing Rocks! (Due Wed-nes-days)

**After reading for at least 30 minutes, create a bookmark to show specifically what you read about. Portray your visual snapshot (drawing) on construction paper. Include Book Title, please. Chessa (sheasc) inspired this idea.

**Interview with a vampire, goblin or a zombie. You Must make your audience believe that the interview really took place. Where will the interview be held? What time of day? Tell us all the gory details like what he or she is wearing, what does their “body language” tell you? If your reader is convinced then you must try and believe it yourself, right? Madison’s (idnosma’s) HW idea helped create this menu item.

**Create an advertisement. *Think back to the “Don’t Buy it” activity done in class* Write about the following: 1-What are you selling? 2-Why are you selling it? 3- If you like the item, how can you convince others to love it? 4-What strategies will you use to best persuade your audience they really need to spend money on what you are selling? After thinking deeply about this process, create your ad using poster board, construction or butcher-block paper in hall.

**Choice** Make up your own quality writing assignment. After your masterpiece is complete, self assess yourself. If not sure it will meet 6th grade standards check with me, before it’s too late!**

October HW MENU--Math

Math (Due Tues-days)

**Make you own version of Slam! game. You may use factors, fractions, decimals, multiples or a combination of all four on your game board. Feel free to use a ghoulish Halloween theme for your Slam! game drawing or outline. Jamie (mijae) offered this idea for October’s menu.

**Choice** Make up your own math HW assignment.**
Complete it as best you can. Then, give yourself a grade (self assess). If YOU don’t think your work is quality 6th grade level work, then it probably isn’t.
Go ahead-- take at least 5 more minutes to make it better!

**1-Fraction Skill Practice: White Socks, Black Socks starring Rowena Pig and Judy Frog.
2-Multiplication and Division Practice: Who’s Got the Button starring Molly Mouse and Aunt Betty (both attached). ****You are expected to try the Super Challenge problems at bottom of pages.

**Use grid paper to make an aerial or bird’s eye view of your bedroom. Make sure it has been carefully colored and easy for your reader to understand. EC: Use coordinates to help find at least 5 items on your map. This suggestion was brought to you by: Natalie (inetala).

Friday, October 1, 2010

Happy October!

Due Monday
Daily Math: 4.1 (p. 49-50) with Labsheet "Product Puzzle" #A, B & C
ACE (math) HW: #1 & 2 (p. 56), EC #25-26 (p. 57), EXT: #3

Our HW Menu Suggestion Box
created by one crafty 6th grader, Emma H.

Study for your Science Mineral Quiz on Monday, Oct. 4th

Click on link to Garcia's REad-n-Rap for pictures of today's outstanding mineral presentations!
6th grade community pole