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Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Acuity and math test

Tomorrow we will take our Reading Acuity test (computer generated), and answer reading comprehension questions on paper (constructed response).

We are also taking a unit math test tomorrow afternoon covering fractions, decimals, and percents.
Study your Fraction Finder packet and the Daily Word Problems (pink) packet. Also, check over your work as both packets are due tomorrow!




Welcome back, and welcome December!  "rabbits"

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Gracias, The Thanksgiving Turkey

Remember our amigo, Gracias, the Thanksgiving Turkey. Enjoy your time with familia and your amigos!

If you have time, catch up on some reading (LOG it!)

Monday, November 22, 2010

How nice

How nice... take the evening to do some righteous relaxing reading at home. How about a reading rocket? 

Enjoy, and check out the full moon, as per Domo!

Friday, November 19, 2010

REport Card

After discussing your grades and goals for the next trimester, have envelope signed and bring it back Monday for a sweet treat.

Decimal pages need to be completed.


Mondo Projects due Tues. for Maddie's Literacy Group****

Have fun little turkeys;-) 
   ms. renee

Thursday, November 18, 2010

decimal destinations

We  had a great start on our Decimal Destinations sheets today. Due tomorrow are: #1, 4, and 7.   Have fun you decimal dynamos!
Report cards will go home tomorrow.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Ready to be a Math Lawyer!!  If you didn't finish your MR3 today  in class you have a chance to polish it up tonight and turn it in Thur.

Also, your reading log and at least 2 reading responses are due tomorrow.

Hope your World's Finest Chocolate sales are off to a DElicious start! YUM YUM

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

stay warm and launch in to HW

       3.5 A & B1 (p. 46) most finished in class

ACE: 33-42 even/odd only (p. 50)
       also, choose one: 44 or 45 or 46

exceed standard with EXT: 55-60 (p. 52)

Spelling Test tomorrow

Reading Independently, as always...

Monday, November 15, 2010

Community Pole Celebration--Yesh! Bring something to share if you can. Thanks8-)


Tools needed today:
~~ Vocab. Word Cards: 1)Decimal-redone-
                                        2)Base ten number system
Daily Work: #32 (p.50) A and D(p. 43-44)
Daily and ACE will be turned in Tues!!
29a (p. 49-50), #30, and #31--think improper and then divide!
To exceed standard* 53a, 54 (p. 52)
Edit or use proofreading symbols to correct "horribly strinky" sentences or paragraph created by your classmate.
StoryWorks magazine: "Yesterday and Today" article on Tom Sawyer and Bart Simpson. Complete packet related to this article.
MONDO Project: Maddie's Literacy Team, rough draft due tomorrow!!

Friday, November 12, 2010

Remembering Veterans

We honored Veterans on 11/11, Veterans Day. Chase, Jamie and Desneiges read their letters from soldier's who wrote back to them last year while stationed in Iraq.




5th grader

If you are able to bring something for our Community-Pole celebration on Tuesday that would be terrific!

Thursday, November 11, 2010


HW over the last few days has included math ACE 3.2 & 3.3 "decimal benchmarks" and reading log.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


Math: 11-9-10

     Vocab Word Card: Decimal

3.1 Moving btw fractions and decimals

Daily Work: (p. 35-38) A, B, C1 & C3

ACE: **1-6 (p. 47)

Spelling Test tomorrow Wed.), as usual.

Use your proof reading symbols to edit "sentences" created by fellow student.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Happy Monday

We do not have HW other than reviewing spelling words for Wednesday's Spelling Test and Independent Reading and written responses. 
 As you all know, our grading period for this trimester ends Friday. Report cards sail home next week!!

Sunday, November 7, 2010


psst.....Our insightful and community-oriented common good commercials have started to be posted on Garcia's Read-n-Rap blog. Look for it!

Friday, November 5, 2010

spy guys--oh my!

For a quick and fun review on videos we saw today on intergers or fractions, click here to get to our Spy Guys

Due Monday--Improper Fractions & Mixed Numbers WS (attached to Friday Note packet).

Be grateful... for old dear friends

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

What to do tonight--due tomorrow!

As usual, your reading log and 2 written responses is due Thursday.

For math we have a green 4 pg packet to do. We started working on it today in class. Students know they only need to do the odd or even numbers to meet expectation. If If IF any extra problems done then those are considered exceeding so are EC.

Evac Drill will be tomorrow, as you all know, from 1230-130.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

big B I G huge H U G E

As you know, you have a major spelling test tomorrow over 4 different word lists; it's
H U G E!


2.5 Naming Fractions Greater Than 1
Vocab. Word Cards: Improper Fraction & Rational Numbers

Daily Work: (p. 25-27) A & B
exceeds standard---EC/EXT: C, D, & E

ACE: **odd/even only**25-35 (p. 29)

Monday, November 1, 2010

Happy November!

We had math rotations today. We had a chance to practice fractions skills and catch up on YPP Math testing.
  • NO math HW tonight!!

practicing spelling words

Catch up on your Indep. Reading Log and responses &/ extra credit.

Study for your B I G Spelling test on Wednesday.