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Thursday, December 16, 2010

Dylan's first Christmas Holiday has arrived.

He's a curious little TEN month old guy, and has a question for you:

What is one of your earliest winter holiday or Christmas memories?

Tell me about it! 

with luff and baby besos, 
                                                 baby g
see you all tomorrow--our last day of the 2010 school year together ;-( 

tyler garcia (bart) and rylee (elvis) 
Be ready to be festive!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Your last reading log of the year is due tomorrow.

If If IF you have not turned in your Outdoor Lab white forms, all four pages, you must turn them in tomorrow!!!

Our friends from 4th grade: Amanda & Elina
We cherish all friends-- old and new!

Monday, December 13, 2010

Due Tuesday: Comic Strip Math (2-sided)
skills--Fractions and Money

Erika working with her word cards
 Prepare for Wed.: Spelling test!!!!! and know definitions of 5-6 spelling words given today. Students had time to find their meanings in class.

Know how to use the words in sentences too!

Friday, December 10, 2010

last week of 6th grade for the year...

Outdoor Lab forms (white copies) are due as soon as possible. The deadline is actually Wed, Dec 15.

Extra Credit sheet on back of Friday Note.... 8-))

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Outdoor LAB Parent Meeting tonight!

If I see you here tonight, you will receive a HW pass!

"10 step" Word Study Form due tomorrow along with Reading Log and, at least, 2 written responses.

All chocolate money is due Friday, 12/10.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Spelling test. Also, study those deifnitions!!

DW- 1.2 #A (p. 8)
ACE #16-18, #23-25 (p. 10)
EC #31 & 32 (p. 12)

PBS Kids applications due to Mrs. Brakken tomorrow... REAdING LoG Thursday

Monday, December 6, 2010

1.1 Bits & Pieces II

Daily Work: 1.1 (p. 5-7) A & B
ACE #1, 7, 9, 10, 14 (p. 10)

EC/EXT: any other probs btw 1-15 (p. 10)

and review spelling words for test on Wed.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Please be sure to RSVP for our OELS mtg this coming Wed.

Next week:
BOOk Fair
     Holiday Gift Shop
OELS Parent Meeting 12/8
     PBS KIDS News Anchor Applications due 12/8
All money due for chocolate candy bar sales

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Happy December!

  • Your spelling test is tomorrow (not to worry, back on the Wed. spelling test sch. starting next week)
  • Reading Log due
  • Chase's EC math HW
  • Maddie's Literacy Team "Come to My Town" presentations on Thur and Fri