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Monday, January 31, 2011

 both DynaMath pages, front and back

see you all wednezzzzz-day

stay warm!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

2.1 daily:
A & C (p. 20-21)

HW: Math Reflection 1
3 of the 4 questions (p. 18)
and Rubric

Austin's card

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Just in case you didn't finish the problems in class:
#16-21 & 31 (ACE section)

~~~~Reading Log due too!

ck out our other blog for MONDO project updates

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

1.3 Daily & HW --combined
#A-D (p. 8-9)

ACE #16-21 and 31

Remember that units DO matter in your answer! 
hayley and tyler garcia
area=76 feet squared 
perimeter= 15 feet

Friday, January 21, 2011

Have a super duper weekend

cameron & emma playing math SLAM! game

Math HW, if didn't finish today
1.1 in Covering and Surrounding
p(5-6) #A & C
ACE #1-5 (p 11)

 Storyworks: must be turned in Monday

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Area and Perimeter HW

Create 8 shapes with their dimensions (inches, ft, meter, cm, miles...). Four must be perimeter problems and four must be area problems. Two sheets of grid paper was given to you today, so you're good to go.

Keep a separate sheet of paper with answers on it. Be ready to challenge each other and be challenged by someone else's creation!
 Area covers like an area rug or the space IN the shape

Perimeter sourrounds like a rim or fence

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

To do because it's DUE

Your Reading Log has changed! As we discussed:

3.5 hours of reading per week == EXceeds standard (Advanced)
3.0 hours of reading per week == Meets standard (Proficient)
2.5 hours of reading per week == Making progress toward standard (Partially Proficient)
2.0 hours of reading per week == Not progressing toward standard (Unsatisfactory)
1.5 hours or less per week == Effort lacking (Incomplete)

Great night to "ketchup" on reading since that's the only HW you have tonight. 
I like ketchup, a lot!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Study for:
 BIG Spelling test
 estimation assessment
   Retail Clothing Order form for OELS

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Have a super weekend! I hope you find time to reflect on WHY we take the day to be "on"
 in honor of
Martin Luther King, Jr.

Due Tues:   Math HW page (blue)

On Wed:          
 B. I. G. Spelling Test

Thursday, January 13, 2011

MATH 1.3 (p. 10-11)

#A1-A4       #C=extra credit!!

19 & 22


Turn in Reading Log Friday if didn't turn it in today.

Monday, January 10, 2011


daily 1.1  (p. 6-7)

ace 1.1
#18, # 37 & #38

~~~Spelling words wordle

Study for the Spelling Bee you spelling BEEers!!!!!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Happy 2011! ! !

Despite the big elephant tears and grumblings witnessed today, we DO have ACE HW:

#20, 22, 24, 29, 30, 32, 34 (p. 26)
have fun!

math rocks;-))