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Thursday, April 28, 2011

Portfolio Project

Can you work on it at home? YES!

What is due Tuesday?
The fist three sections are due:
My Life
My Rights
Our World
Two in each section to meet standard and three to be considered exceptional

Will we start working on Our Universal / Global HUMAN Rights next week?
Yes, if you have quality work that proves your first three sections meet the standard! You bettya!

I see voice~threads and web cams in your future...

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

algebra puzzles and graphing

Buff packet

Algebra puzzles (examples given too!) and graphing data

Your reading log is due tomorrow too!

Monday, April 25, 2011

Have you read our letters?

If you haven't yet, check out our letters to OPRAH and Ellen. They are so convincing!!

They are on our other class blog. (the Read-N-Rap)

Andy, Mini, Amory, and Lori Afrid at Skate-a-thon

Austin and his mom, Lori, at Skate-a-thon
 See you all Tuesday!

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Algebra puzzles

We have all pretty much decided that algebra rules! 2 sided algebra page due Fri and Mon (depending on your flex day)

See you Saturday for the Afridi Skate-a-thon

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


MATH (2 sided)  angles and decimals

get ready for algebraic equations.... coming soon!

Monday, April 18, 2011


Math Refelction 3 (p. 63) Data About US
#1 & #2
all others = extra credit

Friday, April 15, 2011

3.3 due Monday

A &
B (p. 54)
  #23 (p. 62)

mean!!!! aka: average

Scholastic Book Orders due 4/21  Code for ordering online: GTF9F

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

read and be ready

Wed: Acuity Reading Test and Constructed Response.  Be ready!
     Bed rested and READy   catch some xtra z's    zz.zzzzz.zzzzz

Thur: Reading Log is due

Fri: Acuity Math Test

Continuation Committee Mtg: April 20 at 3:30 in Ms. Garcia's room

Monday, April 11, 2011

math and Bieber

Yellow sheet: practice with figuring mean and order of operations
along with:

ACE #1,2, 7 & 8 (p. 56-57)

extra/Ext #23 (p. 62)

We have 13 Math Lawyers to congratulate:
    Emma! Megan! Jamie! Erika! Tyler! Josh! Sydney! Natalie! Nikki! Dezz! Chesa! Harmony! and Chase!

stand up and be recognized you stunning 6th graders

If you haven't yet, finish up your essay answering the question: "Is Justin Bieber really happier than you?"

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Math: #8 Data plotted on coordinate graph, due Monday

Start raising money for our skating fundraiser on April 23!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Relating height to arm span (2 days)

2.3 (p. 36-38)

Collect data from classmates: height and arm span (inches)
#A & #B  ACE: #8 (p. 40-41)
will need graph paper and table with class data

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


2.4 Coordinate graphs

(p. 38-39) #A & C & D1

ACE (p. 40 & 44)
#5-7, #12

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

stem-and-leaf plot

Data  DATA  data

2.1 Traveling to School
 (p. 30-33) #A, B, & e or f

#1-4 (p. 40)

Your survey question...narrow it down to 2 possible questions
ACE: 5-7 (p. 40)