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Monday, September 17, 2012

Happy September!

Azul & Luna after romping around in the bay

Mr. Azul and baby-girl, Luna, miss going to school and hanging out with the best kids ever! If they can help you with homework, just let them know.
   paws up! (high five in doggie speak)

Saturday, August 18, 2012

what are you reading?

My husband, Mr Terry is an avid reader!       In this picture he's reading the delicious menu from The BIG Kitchen in San Diego. Yum!

In addition to menus he reads the local newspaper every morning. Currently he is also reading a fiction novel titled Zorro by Isabel Allende.

What are you reading??

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Summer fun

Hop on over to our other COOL class blog to respond...

Thursday, May 10, 2012

1st graders share their writing with 6th graders...again! yay!

Listening to first graders personal narrative writing is a blast!

"What I liked about your writing was how you..."

"Did I just hear you use the transition word, 'finally' at the end of your paragraph? Fantastic!"

We all hope to see you again, especially before we move on to Middle School. You guys are so smart, cute and funny!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Tech Day-- We earned it!

Kendra explores funbrain games

Amaya, Torrey, and Zaley playing BoP it!

Braden being super cool in some monster shades

Tia hanging with Azul

"Are you seriously taking my picture right now?" wonder Marisa and Bayly

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Our 1st grade friends sharing their "How To..." writing

6th graders were very impressed!

Sharing our writing talent is super cool!

Writing is a tool to rock the world. Our first grade friends rocked our world!

Thanks for coming to our class. Please come and visit again;)

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Why does matter matter?

STATES of Matter

Watch the video (link above), view other resources online if you wish, then respond to blog in comment section.

What to write about?
Include at least 7 things you learned about states of matter.
Finally, explain the state of matter you would most prefer to be and why you would prefer to be that particular state of matter.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

A Glimpse... Week of 3/19--3/23

multiplying fractions

States of Matter

Reading, Listening, Watching and Writing Biographies

Friday, March 9, 2012

Spring forward and more...

Check our other blog for the Pink Slime story!

Also, we received out box of goodies from out platoon in Kuwait. Everyone received a letter, we also received an American flag, a sample of army food, and a stuffed camel with a Kuwait camo hat on its head.   
We are looking forward to writing back, and sending our platoon some much needed items. 

One week of TCAP under our belts. 
Next week: Writing, Reading, and 3 days of Math testing. Eat well      Sleep well      
Your future   Your test

Stay cool 6th graders. Remember to spring forward this weekend as time will advance by 1 hour.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Test-taking TIPS

Why do you feel prepared for TCAP? What test-taking tips do you have up your sleeve? confident


Thursday, February 2, 2012

Endangered Species

For more info check these websites out:
   Debate about gray wolf continues. Article link attached

      Click on link below to find out more about the most endangered animal in the bear family:
Giant Panda article

How many endangered species are there?

An endangered species is an animal that is in danger of becoming extinct. The International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN) reports that out of 47,000 species of animals and plants surveyed, more than 17,000 could become extinct!
That's means one out of five mammals and one out of three amphibians are on the brink of extinction.*
  • Mammals:Roughly one out of five species
  • Birds:Roughly one out of eight species
  • Amphibians:Roughly one out of three species
*All figures sourced from the 2009 edition of the IUCN Red List.