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Sunday, March 18, 2012

A Glimpse... Week of 3/19--3/23

multiplying fractions

States of Matter

Reading, Listening, Watching and Writing Biographies

Friday, March 9, 2012

Spring forward and more...

Check our other blog for the Pink Slime story!

Also, we received out box of goodies from out platoon in Kuwait. Everyone received a letter, we also received an American flag, a sample of army food, and a stuffed camel with a Kuwait camo hat on its head.   
We are looking forward to writing back, and sending our platoon some much needed items. 

One week of TCAP under our belts. 
Next week: Writing, Reading, and 3 days of Math testing. Eat well      Sleep well      
Your future   Your test

Stay cool 6th graders. Remember to spring forward this weekend as time will advance by 1 hour.