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Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Welcome Back Fantastic Fourth Graders! Are you ready to rock?

Today we started our 1000's Book and learned how to play "Oh no! 99!"

Look for upcoming student strategies on how to play and win this super cool card game.
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We also talked and acted out verbs and adjectives from our winter break. Fun and entertaining!

How would you act out the word "slobbery" or "hiking?"


Anonymous said...

I would march in place!



Anonymous said...

Hi Ms.Garcia! Yes! I am ready to rock and roll!!!
Just to let you know I made it into the spelling bee! This is the first time I have ever been in a spelling bee befor! well, I hope I do great! I hope you have a great night.

Love Haley

Anonymous said...

Hey Ms.Garcia,I have a great story to tell you. I was in the store and I saw some perfume and I went to go smell it.When I smelled it, it smelled like sweet blueberry cotton candy infused with exotic wild cherries.Well I need to do some more homework :), I will see you on Monday.I hope you have a wonderful day.Bye!
