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Saturday, February 28, 2009

math fraction puzzler--did you get it?

Have you figured out the math puzzle yet? Due Mon 3/2: Friday Note, Reading Log and fraction fun pages. 

The last 1/2 (or 3/6) of "Azulie" are what letters?    $101.12 Question

Thursday, February 26, 2009

$50.23 question

1---Funny math Fractions " the first 1/6 of Garcia " is __

2---Counting Calories graphic organizer with topic and subtopics

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Sum it up!

Due Thur: Summary Hand, Fraction Action sheet, Making Inferences (blue)

Read Read Read, of course!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Tell me about your spectacular day...

DUE Wednesday

  • Fraction Fun: Ordering (yellow) and Drawing Fractions (blue).

  • Also, finish rough draft at least, your hero and villian story. We can't wait to hear how the action in your story moves!

  • What is the "root" word of spectacular? $20 question

Monday, February 23, 2009

Happy Monday! We're gearing up for CSAP and feeling fabulous~~

Due Tues.: Story Webs, Adding and Subtracting Fractions, and Nevada and New Hampshire Division

  • What does your new magical pencil look like?
  • Does it have a smell or possibly a flavor?
  • How does it feel in your hand, and what colors come from it?

Friday, February 20, 2009

If Azul ate 2/3 of his dinner, how much did he not eat?

Fractions in Action (front and back)  Due Monday along with Read and Response Log, Friday Note and Permission Slip for your CSAP related item.

Congrats 4th graders for helping children fight leukemia / lymphoma. We raised about $85 for our school Pennies for Patients fundraiser. Way to go!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Venn and Pie (in your eye)****

"Under the Big Top" pie graph, and Venn Diagram Due Friday!
Last day for a Gel Pen. Simply donate $1 for Pennies For Patients tomorrow.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Be a Homework Hero!

Fraction Action (Due Wed.) : Fifths and Sixths and other combo's

The HOW to behind Summarizing--- Story Details (Due Wed.) 1. Main Character 2. Setting 3. Problem

Thursday, February 12, 2009

What do spiders eat with their burgers?

Rest and read and play and laugh and sleep and snore and eat and run and jump and ENjoy!

We will see you on Tuesday, Feb. 17th!

French flies! Ha!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

ART FAIR = HW pass!

Due Thur. -- SAB 1 & 3, Food for Thought Web, "From Page to Film" constructed responses

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

How many thirds are there in a pizza that has 12 slices?

"Fraction Action" packet Turn it in Wed. February 10 (tomorrow)

Pennies for Patients Fundraiser ends next Friday. Please try and help if you can!

Smencil Grams are $1. Tomorrow is the last day to buy them.

They will be delivered Thursday morning xoxoxoxo

Monday, February 9, 2009

Does the sentence SUM-it-up or is it a detail?

Your "Identify Summary" packet due Tues.

Some have grammar pages to finish (((on singular/plural and subject/predicate))) and work to RE-do!

Friday, February 6, 2009

Get the letter out!

After several rewrites, edit, and revisions, we will be posting our exceptional and well written letters to President Barack Obama on Monday.

Shall we walk them to a mail box?

What do you need?

Due Monday: 1) The published final copy (use pen) 2) thematic design or drawing ready to send to Washington, D.C. !

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

If Jolie brought 500 fruit snacks to school and gave 230 away, how many will she have left over?

Rough Draft-- Graph the Snack data you collected last week, children and adults information. Due Thurs. 2/5

Scholastic News Timeline and Synonyms (cinnamon!) and "What is a Main Idea?" white sheet--Turn it in and sit by a friend!

Get started: Due Friday 2/6 is the July 4th web page and Main Idea/Summarize pages.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

How may empty egg cartons will we have if everyone brings in 3?

Fill our your Read and Response Log as you go. Be thrifty. Save time!

"Ms. Garcia, does reading information from the Internet count?" Elijah wondered outloud.
"Sure. Why not."

With hope in her eyes, Angeline sweetly asked: "Oh teacher extraordinaire, does reading from a newspaper or comic strip count?"
"You bet!" Ms. Garcia exclaimed with glee.

WE need your help. If you have an empty egg carton we could use it. We will be making "Place Value Snakes" soon~~~~

Monday, February 2, 2009

OK, so what is Groundhog Day all about? ($50 question)

Tonight (due Tues.): Make that Number Sense packet count!
"Slippery Slopes" web, Scholastic News: Map quiz and Debate of the Week (pages 6 & 7).
If you do the last page in Scholastic, that's EXTRA credit!