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Tuesday, February 3, 2009

How may empty egg cartons will we have if everyone brings in 3?

Fill our your Read and Response Log as you go. Be thrifty. Save time!

"Ms. Garcia, does reading information from the Internet count?" Elijah wondered outloud.
"Sure. Why not."

With hope in her eyes, Angeline sweetly asked: "Oh teacher extraordinaire, does reading from a newspaper or comic strip count?"
"You bet!" Ms. Garcia exclaimed with glee.

WE need your help. If you have an empty egg carton we could use it. We will be making "Place Value Snakes" soon~~~~

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If every one brings in 3 egg cartons we will have 39 egg cartons because 13*3=39.I got this answer by using the standard algorithm on a piece of paper.