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Wednesday, April 8, 2009


  • What might you have in common with the African people in these pictures? 
  • How might life be for animals living in the African Savannah regions?  
  • How is it even harder for a sloth, who lives happily in rain forests, to live in a region like the African Savannah?


elinka karzinka said...

the things i have in common with the things in the pictures is that i am from a different country too, but i was born here. so im a half American, and half Russian.
i think that it is harder for a sloth to live in the African Savannah because there is no trees for him to climb on, and he lives in the trees.
i think its hard for animals to live African Savannah because there is no trees (practically)and lions and different predeters could catch them easily.


What I have in common with the African peaple are I drink Sprite and Fanta orange.Also,I wear dresses like the peaple in the pitchers.Next,the life for the animals in Africa might be hard because there probly is not lots of rivers by them.Also,the Zebras might have a hard time trying to escape from Lions,cheetas,and wild dog packs.It is hard for Sloths to live in Africa reigions because they need to learn to adapt to there knew home.Also, it is hard because they need to move fast to get away from preditors.There is not much trees in the African savannas.

elijah said...

i have nothing in common with any of the pictures because
I don't drink soda.
Only my mom is from africa.
Why i think it is harder for a sloth to live in africa is because predators can eat him. Sloths have claws so they can dig and there are hardily any trees in the African savannah.

cam said...

my aunty Tamy just got back from Africa and she brot piches of zebras and outher animols.Maby the animals in africa die because thay dont have water.It would be hard for a sloth because thay are slow for them to get around.

BABY BOO said...

I might have in common is to drink Fanta like the girl in the picture. Also I might have in common is that my culture might celebrate like the picture.I think that life for the animals is hard because that part in the savanna might not have alot of water there.I think that it would be hard for a sloth to live in the savanna because the sloth might be chased by a lion, a hyena,and a leopard.

brooke said...

Somethings I might have in commen are I drink soda too. Also i'v seen zebras at the zoo befor.
I think it would be hard for an animal to live in the African Savannah because its probly really hot there and not many trees.
Its probly vary hard for a sloth to live in the African Savannah because no trees there are lion, lepords,tigers and more mean animals. Also sloth are vary slow so it might be hard for them to get aroud and stay away from mean carnovors if there are no trees for him to climb to get away from them if one carnovor does come after him.

chessa said...

The things I might have in common whith these pics are that if I were a Zebra I would love to run in the wide open savannah[as long as there are no lions!]I betit is hard for the animals of the savannah to live there because there might be a hungry lion pack inthe grass waiting to attack.It would be for a sloth to live in the savannah.For one sloths are slower than a turtle and there are not alot of trees to hide in.

Rockstar Haley said...

What Ihave in common with them is that I like to wear colorful cloths like them. I think that it would be easy for lions because they would beable to catch zebra easily because they stand around in a big heard. I also think that it would be hard for zebra because they stand around in a big heard so they have a good chance of being eaten. I think that it would be hard for a sloth to live in the African Savvana because they know more about the rainforest not the Savvana. Also, when they are in a tree then a lion or a cheetah can climb up and it him. And if the sloth was in a small tree, then a heard can knock it over and the sloth can get killed or injured really bad.

amanda rock said...

#1)What I have in common with African people is I do drink fanta like the African girlis doing,I make necklesses and breacelets with my mom and sometimes I make necklesses and breacelets by my self!

#2)I think it would be very hard for some animals because, I think there isn't very much water and it is very hot and dry.

#3)Its very hard because there are not many trees and the sloth wouldn't beable to go very fast because he doesn't have very much protian in its body. A sloth doesn't have much protian in their bodys because they only eat leaves.

erika said...

#1. What i have in comin with african people is i like to drink Fanta and i like africa.

#2. How might the anamals feel in africa is happy because they live in africa and that is a vary, vary buteyful place and they should love it there because i know i whould love to live there.

got to go .

Erika is Awsome said...

Ok i'm back now what were we talking about agen?Oh ya that um i'm going to get back to that thig. How might the seth sloth feal is he might feal upset becaue he can't walk vary fast so it might be hared to live in the african reagon when you are a sloth like seth.