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Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Map It!

See you Monday, 4/27, with your signed Friday (Wed) Note and Reading Log. If you didn't turn in the following pages on Wed., they are due Monday morning.

HW: Map It pages; division and multiplication review; and making your magazine a masterpiece. See Mrs. Hovinen's Blog for Magazine Making Tips!! ((Her homework blog is listed on the right side of this page.))

$$$What are you doing to spice up your magazine? Be specific. I want juicy juicy details! $$$


elinka karzinka said...

To spice up my magazine i am putting a poster of my brothers into my magazine.i am going to interview my brothers (i hope they will use a lot of words that are spectacular.) also i will write amazing articles with $100 words. The articles are going to be about my brothers and how they started the band. the other articles are going to be just about music.
I hope that the people who will read my magazine would like it and would get to know "Everfound" and will come to their concerts.

Ms. Garcia said...

Your magazine sounds fascinating; I can't wait to see how it all comes together, Elinka. Also, it will be a very special reminder (as you get older) of you and your brothers at this stage in your lives-- sort of like a "snapshot." Too cool ;-))

awsomebrooke said...

How i am going to spice up mt magazine is add lots of detail like aticals pull out poster adds.aND PRETENED TO INTERVIEW MY CAT AND DOG.
also I hope evryone spices up there magaZINE AND GEETS A GOOD GRADE.;L