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Friday, April 24, 2009


Ready to go on a quest? Learn more about the Wonders of the African World.

Begin your Quest/Treasure Hunt for the Magic Calabash (Anansi The Spider will help you!) 
Just CLICK on the underlined words in blue, above.
Follow the link!
Have fun quester... Tell us what you discovered and learned!


Anonymous said...

Hey Mrs.Garcia,
The facts Sean and I have learned are:
Swahili has been spoken scene the 2nd century.
The Ashanti Golden stool descended from heaven in a cloud of white dust and landed in the lap of the first king Osie Tutu.
Members of the Griot family become famous within West Africa.
The great Zimbabwe remande a religious shrine untill about the 19th century.
Jambo is Swahili for hello.
Sydney and Sean

Anonymous said...

Back in the 12th century the king Lalibela was carried away to the heavenly Jerusalem.Another thing me and my patner learned was that Jambo means hello in Swahili and Rafiki is their word for friend.The Swahili language is spoken by more than 130 mollon people.
Janel Adrien

Anonymous said...

Hey Mrs.Garcia!
This is Jamie and my facts about Africa:
Back at the 12th century, the king Lalibeila was carried away to the havenly Jerlusalem.
When the British built the Aswan high dam, they submerged part of the Nubia under the lake about 250 miles long.
According to ledgend, in the early 1600s they discovered from the heaven in a cloud of white dust and landed in the lap of the first Ashanti king Osei Tutu.
Griots are a group of people whose job is to remember and pass along the stories of their community.
By Harmony S. and Jamie R.

Anonymous said...

The black kingdom was home of the nubian people.The black kingdom was made from mountians.Jambo means hello Parrafiki means friend.Griots are a group of people whose job is to remember and pass along the stories of their comunity.They are oral story tellers for as long as people can rember.
By Ian and Stephaney

Anonymous said...

Carrie and Maddie,
When the british built aswan hihgdam, they submmered part of nubia under a lake abuote 250 miles long!
Jambo means hellow and rafiki means friend!
In the language of the shona people, the word zimbabwe means "stone building".
Back in the 12th centure,the king lalibeu was carried away to the heavenly jerusalem.

Anonymous said...

Did you know that the Golden Stool is housed today at Kumasi,Ghana. It took 400 years to build the stone forest on Zoimbwean plateau. And also Jambo means hi or hello. When the Awswan Dam was built the archeologists moved montains saving Nubian Ancient temples from being submerged.
Megan and Damion.

Anonymous said...

I learned on my sufarie that part of Thenubia Isundera lake 250 miles long.Also that Abu Simbel temples (carved mountion) bank of the Nile between 1290's and 1960's,Great Zimblave
by 400 Shoan people home of 18000 people.did you know Jambo meaens hello Rafiki means firend and Ndiyo means yes in Swahili Hapana means no in Swahili and that what we learned on are sufarie!
Emma and Austin