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Thursday, April 30, 2009

Using Said $$

Try using a different word for said. Make your sentences more colorful and spicy!

"Where are you going?" said the teacher.


Make your magazine shine! Find time to read (online reading counts!).

Be ready for Mexican Lasagna, my treat ;-))


elinka; said...

some of the examples r,
"can you come to the park with me today?" asked Aimee.
"Ill talk yo you later." replied Jason.
"I got a new computer." bragged Macy.

those are some of the examples.:)

elinka;) said...

thanks! ms.g! i really appreciate it!:)

erika said...

Ms.Garcia that mexsican lasanga was the best lasanga I have ever had in my life. I am going give my mom the resape and tell her to make it. I don't think that she would make it better then you. my mom is a grate cook but she can't make mexican lasanya better then you can.