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Thursday, May 28, 2009

Awards Ceremony

Pat yourself on the back! Everyone stepped it up a couple of notches this year. 

We all improved by at least one grade level---fantastico!
Keep reading, playing, creating, and stay posted to our blog this summer.

Ciao [chow] for now,
Love, Ms. Garcia


elinka said...

hey ms.garcia! i miss u already! you truly are a wonderful teacher. i really enjoyed the fantastic year we had together. thanx 4 being a spectacular teacher! Thanx for the wonderful cards u have given me. they are ALL hanging on my "reward wall." i hope i can come and see you and my friends soon!


Ms. Garcia said...

Thank you, thank you. It really does mean the world to a teacher when a student tells her/him what an impact they have made. I truly do love teaching and I'm glad it shows. Muchas gracias!
I will miss you too, next year. I hope, and our class hopes, that you can stay in touch. We will have the same class blog so you can always check and comment there as well.

Hope you are having a fabulous summer;-))

elinka said...

thanx ms.g.i will coment you and keep in touch with the class. and yes im having a great summer so far. having so much fun on the slip-n-slide. r u havin a fantastic sumer so far? ;-))


BtE (best teacher ever)

chessa said...

Hey Ms.G my aunt is so proud of me!!!

Ms. Garcia said...

Today we went to Bear Creek Park, down the street from our house, and azul and luna got in the creek to cool off and get their pads(paws) wet. Too cute!

I also fell while we were crossing over the stream. The rocks were slimy and mossy so I slipped. It was a pretty funny scene!

You could say, our summer rocks so far. hahaha!

elinka said...

AHHH! that is, too cute! u didnt make them come into the water? they came in their selvs? {-_-}


p.s, BtE!

Ms. Garcia said...

Actually, both luna and azul went into the creek on their own; they do that when they are really hot and need to cool down.

~~love the BtE** Thanks!

Happy June;-))

ELINKKKKA :D said...

but it still is adorable! i love my summer so far. we are going to Lake Pawell at the end of June! it is going 2 b awsome! we are going to stay in a house boat! what about u? doin anything fun this summer?
me, my brother larry, and my cousin julia, wre making up cute smily faces. i made up this one, {-_-)and, <{-_-}>


p.s, BtE! ;>

Ms. Garcia said...

Love the fun new smiley faces Elinka! I have one:

You will love Lake Powell. Mr. Terry and I went there on our honeymoon many years ago. I recall we got a really bad sunburn! So be careful; it can be a scorcher, especially when your on or in the water.


elinka101 said...

ms.g, thanx 4 the worning about the sunburn.<{-_-}> yea we heard that there is also snakes.:((( ahhh! im scared!!!:)

thats a cute smily face. :)

i love talking to my teacher. its fun! :D :) :0

Natalie said...

Hey Ms.G its me Natalie almost every Sunday we go to Gross Res. on the 12th it rained for a long time so we got stuck there, oh and my mom wants to go to the other side so we asked the ranger and she tould us how to get to the other side well I have to go bye. :P :) 8)