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Friday, May 1, 2009

azul y luna

AZ and miss luna hope you have a spectacularly restful and playful weekend. Get out there and be goofy!

Azul recommends chasing a squeeky toy around your backyard. While luna suggests that you stare down a squirrel for about 10 minutes.

Let us know how it goes...$$$ Be creative....Think outside the box!

Due Monday: Friday Note, Reading Log, Conference schedule, Permission Slip


Maestro Terry said...

These two dogs are adorable. They should be on Dancing with the Stars!

elinka malinka said...

hey ms.g! were in Utah right now. we are on our way to L.A. i miss you so much. say hello to everyone at school! tell them i miss them. ;) i think well be back by the field trip!

well gotta go travel!

Ms. Garcia said...

I'm so glad to hear your family is safely on your way to Calie.
We had a great day. Of course it was strange not having you here with us.
Keep us posted on how things are going if you can. I can't wait to read how your reporter's log turns out. "On the road with a terrific rock band" sounds like a fun subject to report on and read about!

Have fun

amanda said...

What I did over the weekend was, I went to the apex with erika,chessa,natalie, and tyler. I also went to us on wheels and fracsured my bone in my knee. Today I went to the hospital to get my bone in the right place.(They had to pop it back into place.) Know I dont have to limp any more and I can walk like a normal person would.

elinka said...

we are in L.A right now.i miss you guys so much. i like that title, "On the Road with a Terrific Rock Band" thank you for answering. i wish i was there to see you guys too.
O, yesterday we were coming back from our concert and was topped by Mcdonalds with our friends, there was so much of us so we had to wait by the drive through. there was about 24 of us! we ordered our dinner outside.

ps. i like the picture of Azul and Luna.

funstarbrooke said...

This weekend I get to go the park and earn money for book fair awsome!!! I hope you have a great weekend Ms.Garcia Azul and Luna.

Ms. Garcia said...

Our plan for the weekend is go to Rockies baseball game tonight and go on a hike with friends either Sat or Sunday.
I'm wondering what you will be selling at the park... lemonade? kool-aid? fried worms?

Hope you earn enough to buy some books next week!