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Monday, June 1, 2009


WHAT are finding out about?
  • Instructions for a new summer toy?
  • Signs and labels at the grocery store?
  • ******* What are you discovering by being a "word detective?"


3Lin@ elinka said...

hello ms.Garcia! hope u are well. how is your summer so far? hope its good! the weather has been odd lately.
first it was hot then it got colder than it became hot again and now its windy? WOW! did u hear about the tornado that arapted in Aurara? it knocked down the Aurara Mall!

~ 3L!N@

Ms. Garcia said...

I just got back in town yesterday so I hadn't heard about the tornado--how scary!

When our plane was landing at the airport last night we saw funnel clouds. There was a hail storm too so we had to wait in the airplane for 1 and 1/2 hours before they let us get off. crazy!

Take care, and it looks like nice sunny days are right around the corner ;-))

NATALIE said...

Hey ms.Garcia on july 20th at about 10:30ish there was a tornado that passed right above arvada and the tornado hit ground near 40th and kipling so i heard i really dont know but i hope every one is ok
