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Friday, June 19, 2009

Sunrise on the Texas Coast

Movies? Games? Books? Cooking? Bike riding? Music?

So, how is your summer shaping up? 

I took this picture in Padre Island, Texas a week ago. The sun was coming up and my family and I were just waking up; Gorgeous good times!


3l!nKK@ (ELINKA) said...

my summer is going great! lots of music!!! we r going 2 go to Lake powell on tuesday! we r going 2 get up @ 3 in the morning and go get the house boat!!! super dooper excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

chessa govostis said...

my mom and I both thought that the beautiful picture was out standing!!

How have you been this summer?? Mine has been so much fun!! Today my mom and my sister's boy friend Derek and I were at the gold strike festival!! I got a spray on washable tatoo of a unicorn it is so pretty!!

Chessa Govostis

Ms. Garcia said...

Elinka, Hope you and your family enjoy the beauty of Lake Powell and the houseboat. Safe travels ;-))

We have been having a terrific and busy summer. We are now doing some home improvements: refinishing hard wood floors, gardening, and redoing our bathroom. We are learning lots and laughing a lot too!

I too love that picture of the coastline in Texas. That was a super fun week with my family. Talk to you soon;-))

3L!N@ said...

no no no!!!!
we already came back from Lake powell!!! this suks. i wish i could stay there much longer!

hi ms.g! how is ur summer so far? the house boat was so big! it had 2 was amazing!!! we also got 2 swim everyday.

3L!N@ said...
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Ms. Garcia said...

It's kind of hard to come back home after a super vacation. I know what you mean Elinka!

We will be going to Oregon and California next week. Road trip with the dogs, camping out, and visiting great friends.

Say hi to Arvada for me ;-))

elinka said...

o thats great! hope you like cali. :) believe me its pretty!