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Thursday, July 2, 2009

July July, oh me-- oh my!


3L!n@ said...

HOhey ms. g! how are u?

Ms. Garcia said...

Hi there Elinka~~! We just got back from our BIG road trip to California and Oregon. Luna and Azul are truly "road warriors." They did so well together in the back seat. It was Luna's first time to run on the ocean and camp out; she seemed to love it!

How have you been?

Chessa said...

Hello Ms.Garcia,
How r u and Mr.Terry????
I have had a great summer!!How about you?? I have been having fun keeping track of math reading and writing!! When i go over to Harmony's we always play school!! Type me back!!

love always,
Chessa G.

Ms. Garcia said...

I use to love playing school when I was about your age too. Now, I get to play school for real--how great is that?

Mr. Terry and I have been having such a relaxing time this summer. We love being outside, working in yard, and camping. In fact we recently took a super fun road trip to Oregon and California; what a blast!!!

Say Hi to Harmony for me and stay sweet ;-))

3L!Nk@ said...

how did u like california and oregan?

guess what ms. g!!!!!!can u belive it? i got my ears peirsed!it was my moms birthday party and it was time to open presents, my mom opened a present, and there they were, those beutiful earings bright and blue. a pair for me and a pair for mama. the were as beutiful as the roses growing outside our garden.:) it was the most exciting day of my life.

o and also last monday, my brothers got into a huge compitition called G.M.A. they flew out to Nashville and played for the juges and the next mornning they call my mom and me and they said,"WE WON!!!!!"
it waS exciting!
so how have you been?

3L!N@ said...

what beach did you go to?

Ms. Garcia said...

Elinka** You must be so very proud and excited about your brothers.
WOW what a summer! I hope you stop by sometime next year so I can see your pierced ears. I remember having to wait until I was in 6th grade to have mine pierced.

This coming week is all about gearing up for school. When does your school start?

Azul and Luna say "hola!"

Ms. Garcia said...

3L!n@ (elinka)--- I forgot to answer your excellent question about which beach did we go to. Well in Oregon the beach was called "Manzanita Beach." In California we camped out at "Westport Union Landing."

Both were utterly glorious (it was hard to leave)!!

elinka said...

im sorry ms.garcia. i didnt answer 2 the respond that you said about azul and luna saying hi. i say hi too!

oooo! todaay i got 2 meat my teachers for school! i am taking science:)math:)writing!!!:))and i almost took russian. but russian was only for middle and high school students.:( i wish i took russian tho. havin a good last week of summer?