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Friday, September 18, 2009

Review your math vocabulary

What is the difference between factors and multiples?

Name a prime number. (click for definition)

Why is it prime?

Can you name all the square numbers up to 100?

Why are they called square?

Enjoy a super fab book this weekend.... practice math facts... make up a song to help you remember what the multiples of 12 are...


elink@ said...

hello ms.garcia! its elina. i was just wonderin, what is amanda kartes's blog adress?

Ms. Garcia said...

Hi there elinka*!

You know I don't recall her telling me her email or blog address. Maybe some of the students in our class know it. I'll let you know if they do.

Hope you are doing super and school is fantastic.


elinka said...

im glad everything is well.

i miss you