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Saturday, November 28, 2009

Amulet by Kazu Kibuishi

Check out our newest website link (the list on the right), for an awesome Amulet adventure!

It's the link entitled: Scholastic* Check the STACKS!

Monday, November 23, 2009

what are YOU reading?

What's on your plate today?

Turkey? Pie? Chores? Playing outside?

I hope your holiday is restful, and filled with family fun.

P.s. I hope you save room for at least a few servings of delicious
juicy reading time!!

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Book orders due Friday, Nov 20

Here it is. Your chance to place online orders for Scholastic books.

Place an order, and our class will receive a free book for our sensational class library! Pretty cool deal, eh?

Ordering info
Go to the following website:

Type in the following info:

User Name: MsGarciasGreatClass

Password: FitzReads

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Fitzmorris Veterans Day Ceremony

The Choir singing American Tears
Jimmy escoted his courageous Grandpa to our flag ceremony.

Honor Guard does their job. Thanks to Emma, Chessa, Megan, and Chase.

Ian and his very brave grandpa.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Veterans Day

Please know our school-wide flag ceremony is this Wed., Nov 11 in honor of our veterans.

Our choir will be performing too.

Parents are welcome to attend.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Book orders due Monday

TyBat from Stellaluna; one of my favorite books!

Hi all! Just a reminder that our only book order for November is due
Monday, Nov 9. Check out the terrific and fun Holiday winter gift books.

To order online go to:
Our classroom user name: MsGarciasGreatClass
Password: FitzReads

Monday, November 2, 2009

New November Menu

Hi all! Look for our new November HW Menu to appear on our blog soon. Until then, enjoy your assignments.

A reminder:

Tues-Magic Math is due

Wed- Rockin' Writing is due

Thur-Spelling/Word Work, and Reading Log are due

Fri- The Friday Mix is due

Your classmates came up with some stellar and fascinating menu items!
Way to go, team**Ms. Garcia