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Monday, November 2, 2009

New November Menu

Hi all! Look for our new November HW Menu to appear on our blog soon. Until then, enjoy your assignments.

A reminder:

Tues-Magic Math is due

Wed- Rockin' Writing is due

Thur-Spelling/Word Work, and Reading Log are due

Fri- The Friday Mix is due

Your classmates came up with some stellar and fascinating menu items!
Way to go, team**Ms. Garcia


Rockstar Haley said...

Hi Mrs.Garcia! Hey, I was wondering... what was that one math website that we would always go to when we had free time? I was wanting to get on it tonight.

Ms. Garcia said...

Hayley-- It's great to hear from you!

Look under our "mathFact practice" link or go to, interactive games. I believe that's the one you are asking about.

You may also want to ck out Mr. Nussbaum's site. I have a few of his links on our blog too.

Have fun! Thanks for checking in!

Ms. Garcia