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Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Let the Spy Guys, Guide You!

Do you dare? Do you dare challenge the MATH Spy Guys?

Try clicking the underlined link above;-))


Elina Odnoralova said...

Mrs. Garcia? Can you read this to the class?

Mrs Garcia's 5th grade class, =) Hello!! How are you? I miss you!! How is everything over there? Just wanted to say hello. :) hello Megan! I saw you walking with your dog after my school,(I walk to school) and I believe it was your dad walking with you. I think you noticed me, but we didn't really get a chance to say hello.
I sure do miss you guys. I'm thinking about coming back next year so I can see you guys again.
well I gotta go!!
love you guys, miss you!!
:) =}

Ms. Garcia said...

Yes Elina, I will gladly read this to our class. In fact I will be sure to do so tomorrow. I know they would love to hear from you!

We love and miss you too *-))

Ms.Garcia's awesome class said...

Hello Elina,Hi how are you doing in a new school? We miss you a lot hope you come to see us soon. :} When will your brothers be having their next concert? ;)
Hello Elina it's Megan I wanted to say hi to you.
We are really looking forward to your visit.
Hey Elina how are you and your family doing so far,oh yeah it's Natalie. c(:

Love Ms.Garcia's class

angelmommasbaby said...

hey ms. garcia its angel i made a blog im angelmommasbaby cuz i love my mom. also i tried to follow to your blog hope you follow to mine and mine is
i also put links. such as : dogo news, our blog,math is fun and more such like and another web site that has math games and fun brain.

Ms. Garcia said...

Angel-- I will definitely check our your blog. You sure came up with a fun blog title; it's so you!

Anyway, have a spectacular weekend and I'll see you next week.

Tootles ;-P


hi ms. garcia i talked to elina on my blog she responded to my question well test and scored 100%. check it out.

Ms. Garcia said...

Angeline-- I will check it out. Maybe I'll even take the test too!

What a storm, right? Stay bundled up and cozy!