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Thursday, April 22, 2010


What can YOU do?

click on links to the left: earth day actions & helping OUR planet


angelmommasbaby said...

I can help the planet is by not using electricity.Instead of using electricity i can go and play in nature. i can also read a book and use my imagionation to help me not use eletricity.
lastly, i can help the planet on a daily bases is to recycle daily and reuse in instead of throwing away where all of it goes to land fills.
this is our way to help the planet daily!
writin by IAN and ANGELINE

Harm and Syd said...

Hi Ms.Garcia! It's Sydney and Harmony here!

One thing we could do to save our planet daily is by recycling cans, plastic, paper, ect. Another thing we could do to save the Earth is we can pick up trash in local parks so the animals don't get hurt.

Megan and Chessa (the peeps) said...

One thing you can do to help our planet daily is by not taking showers every day and if you do take showers everyday, and if you do take a shower everyday then don't spend a lot of time in the shower. (Take about 10-15 minutes in the shower.)

Another thing we can do to help our planet daily is by... instead of having two trash cans you can have one trash can and one recycling bin.
In conclusion that is how we can save the planet daily.

austin said...

Austina and Adrien

One thing you can do daily is that you can give plenty of water,good soil,and give a bush a good spot were sunshine is. Also you can pick up trashand use a recycling ben to stop waste. Those are my daily things to help the earth!

Emma and Darlene said...

Emma and Darlene can help the environment by to ways one is: I can encourage people to get an oil check by putting up flyers that say " Get an oil check save the planet!"

Have you thought of getting up and not getting to smell the sweet smell of MAPLE!!! One of the best smells ever! ~!~! You can help keep maple trees up by picking up things on the ground that can harm the maple trees especially certain things with really bad chemicals in them.

That’s how Emma and Darlene are going to save the planet

Anonymous said...

Dear planet/Mrs.Garcia

One thing we could do to help our planet is don't use up so many lectrisity, I could do that by not leaving the lights on when I am not using the lights.Also not leavimg the tv on when it is bed time.


Another thing is that to pick up trash at parks,on sidewalks,school parks,and in your backyard.This is the two ways we can help the planet on daily bases


Julian said...

1. I can water plants by my house and around the neighborhood.2.I can pick up trash and recyle it in recyling box.This would help the planet because no one around my neighborhood likes to water there plants.

Chase and Tyler said...

Take care of my friend's, my own,or both yards.For example,making sure that all the weeds are out,and the flowers or other plants have fresh soil. Turn off lights when I don't need them so I don't use too much electricity.

Maddie and Des said...

Kids could pick up the trash from our suroundings.For example we could pick up the trash on schoolgrounds and then recycle the trash.
Another thing we could do is raise money by having a charity sale selling potery,weavings, paintings,we could also sing and dance.This way we could plant trees to add more oxygen to our planet.

Erika AND Jamie the lazy cows and mnm said...

Hey Mrs.G. this is Erika and Jamie speaking.:) Here's one way we can help the planet.What we can do to help the planet Is by:taking shorter showers and recycling alumom cans and alumom foul plastic bottles and paper. Also when you are playing on the computer and watching tv and eating junk food that can sometimes be adicting. Like soda chetos, lays chips, and mnm's and other unhealthy wll be like a fat lazy cow or Mokey!!!!!but if you are playing outside then you are healping the enviorment and also your health for exersize by:NOT sitting on the couch or infront of the tv or the compeuter and not eating junk food.Also it will also help your health.It will help the inviorment is by not wasting the electrisity by not useing the electrisity when you watch tv.
love your cool students,
Mnm&cow(Jamie& Erika):)

p.s Erika is the cow and Jamie is the mnm! LOLZ!!!

+ + SMILIE!!! :0

cam said...

1 I can help the planet by using glass cups insted of plastic cups. This will help because peple can wash glass cups.

2 I can help the planet by using the same tell for one week.This can help not using to much electreity.

Anonymous said...

I have brown hair.
I was in your class in 4th grade
I have brown eyes
I love ms. garcia's class

One way I can save the Earth, is by helping my neighbors clean their yards,because maybe if I wasn't there to help them, they wouldn't want to do it in the first place, by themselves.

Hello Ms. Garcia,
Hope you remember me :) haha...

I think Erika has a good point there. From now on, I'm going to recycle cans. :)

well, write back soon!!!

ttyl class!!

Ms. Garcia said...

I have a feeling I know who the "guess who" is.... I won't tell until others have had a chance to try and guess ;-)

Recycling what you can DAILY is the way to go. Why? Well the earth gives and keeps on giving every moment of every day, so we should all do our part to help the earth; it's like giving back.

Go ahead... turn off a light that's been left on, or the TV.
Go ahead... ride your bike or skateboard to your destination instead of catching a ride in a car.
Go ahead... take a 4 min shower instead of 20 min.

Our planet rocks! Let's make sure our EARTH knows how much we love her.