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Thursday, December 16, 2010

Dylan's first Christmas Holiday has arrived.

He's a curious little TEN month old guy, and has a question for you:

What is one of your earliest winter holiday or Christmas memories?

Tell me about it! 

with luff and baby besos, 
                                                 baby g


Ian said...

Dear Baby D,
I remember when I was 9 I got a Xbox-360 which technically was for everyone but enough 'bout that.I was looking out at the 3 foot deep snow,I made a tunnel with a blockable entrence.I threw snow balls at my brother.Just wait Baby D.HI MICHELLE!!!!!

Harmony said...

Hey Baby G? Are you ready for Christmas? Here is one of my Christmas memories.
I remember in either 2004 or 2005, I was opening presents on Christmas day. I couldn't get a present opened that had ducked tape all over it! My dad handed me his pocket knife to give to my mom to help me open it. While I was bringing it to my mom, I opened it! My mom was furious! She lectured me terribly. She did not want me to open a knife that was dangerous for 5 or 6 year old!
To this day, almost 12, I still have my parents help me open duck taped presents because I don't want to get cut trying to open a present and then ending up slicing my hand or body.
I hope you have a wonderful Christmas Dylan!
Felix Navidad!

LOL~ Maddie said...

To answer your question Baby G:
on my second Christmas my papa came out to Colorado from Los Cruises, New Mexico and stayed out here for 2 weeks. My family and I lived in a big house, had a 8 foot Cristmas tree, and a huge backyard I used to play in. Santa gave me 9 presents, of course I wrecked them by the time I turned 3.
(I was rich then.)

Emma said...

Dear Baby G,
A few years ago a little before Christmas we making lovly Christmas cookies. I love making Christmas cookies, then puting the frosting on mabey sneaking some. Well we were making fun frosty the snowmen cookies. Well you might know that a few ideams on the snowmen are black such as the hat, the eyes, buttons, ect. Well so we coloerd them black ofcoures and white and orange. then it was finally time to eat them so i went for the snowmen. After I ate the snowman cookiemy mouth was compltley black! So Baby G I influence you to NOT to eat the black, brown, or dark purple frosting.

(P.S. Seriously don't eat the dark coloerd frosting!)

*Chessa* said...

Dear Dylan,

Hi Dylan! How are you? How is the wheather in California? Are enjoy your christmas?

I heared you wanted to know one of my earliest winter holiday memmories. well here it is: (!)

In 2007 on Christmas morning I woke up really early. (at 5 A.M.). I woke up my parents and sisters. we all gathered around the Christmas tree and opened some presents. The last present I got was a cool bed set with purple and blue sparkles!! That was so far the christmas ever!!

Love your aunts 6th grader,

P.S. Merry Christmas Dylan!!

austin a said...

Dear Baby G,
How are you? I'm fine. One of my earilist memories that I remember is when I was 7-6 years old. I also remember when I had a zillion toys that santa left,or so I was told. But chritmas is just not about the wicked toys, its about being with your family!

CHASE said...

Dear Dylan,
My earliest winter memory is when I was 5 turning 6, my birthday. It was snowing like never before. It snowed so much that we couldn't get out of our house in Massachusets. All of the people who were supposed to come to celebrate my birthday couldn't reach our house. It was one, wild birthday!

Hard to remember,

Tyler said...

One of my earliest and or or fantastcal Christmas ever was when i was 4 years old. I got spoiled with presents. Allthough I mostly got spoiled on love and joy.I'll never forget that Christmas!Escpeially when when I was stuffed with sweets,love,and most of all peace and joy.In fact I was so excited that I woke up 6:00 in the morning!Well,as I said I'll never forget that Chrismas!

Jolly Megan said...

Dear Baby G,
One Christmas when I was about seven we opened presents and ate breakfast. Then my brother my cousins and I made a snow fort under the tranpoline. It turns out Baby G that all you have to do is get the two bottom refrigerator doors and pack them with snow, and then just put the blocks on top of each other. That is one of my Christmas memories.
Felix Navidad Baby G and Michelle.

Your friend,
Megan Doyle

PS. Don't freeze your cute little nose!

angelmommasbaby said...

Dear Baby Dylan,
One of my earliest holiday memories is when my family went to the hospital and spent Christmas there. Also, my grandma's friend Phil dressed up as santa and went all over handing out candy canes.
We also handed out presents , ate my granmda's delicioso dinner, and then ate the deseart which was her banana waffle pudding mm mm mm good!!!
Lastly, me and my broha had a snow ball fight outside and made walls to block the flying snowballs.
Christmas was a blast ! Hope you have a great Christmas and happy holidays!

josh said...

dear baby D.

the first Christmas that I remember was when I was three years old. that was the third time I ate snow and through a snowball. Christmas if my favorite holiday of the year.

marry Christmas, josh walkowicz

Sydney said...

Hi Baby G! How are you doing? Are you excited for your 1st Christmas? I am! Even though its not my first Christmas.
My winter memory is: In 2006 we had a HUGE snow storm! I was really excited and wanted to play on the snow. But it was SUPER COLD!! So my mom and my dad bundeled me up like an Eskimo! I had oh maybe 3 or 4 shrits on, 2 pairs of pants PLUS a snowsuit! I also had on snow boots, mini gubs (or gloves), and a BIG hat! My dad has a picture of me dressed like that. I looked so chubby! It is hillarious to look at! That is a memory I will never forget!
Felix Navidad Dylan!

- Sydney Laugen

--JANEL-- said...

Dear Baby G,

This is my christmas poem!!

When all the snow falls on the grass, sidewalks, and the top of houses cold breeze flowing through the air. Gloves, winter coat, and hats going outside to build a snow man or throw snow balls at you family members. Taking pictures and celebrating all the hoildays together, and at the end of all your fun it's time for christmas to come and open all of your presents.

I hope you have a good christmas Baby G!!
felix navidad DYLAN

***ERIKA RARWR*** said...

Dear Dylan aka baby G,
One time when i was little me and my Grandpa and my brother Tyler went out side of my Grandparents apartment while it was veary snowy.We were getting ready to have a snowball fight but first we made our selfs a shelter for protection of the snowballs not hitting us.Me and my brother beat my Grandpa at the snow ball fight.When the snowball fight was over we an Iglue.It was HUGEMUNGUS!!!Then after we played in the Iglue for a while we made a snowman and then we made snowangels around the snow man.It was fun!Then after all of the fun and excitement of the day we went inside and injoyed some nice and warm hot choclate ant watched a movie called Monsters Inc.That was all for our fun and fantastic day. So have a wonder full and FANTABULUS first Christmas Dylan aka baby G.


nikki said...

dear Dylan,
How are you? I hope you will have a great first Christmas. I'll tell you about my Christmas when i was 7 so you can get an idea of Christmas. We got a tree to put inside the house and made cookies and milk for Santa Claus. Then he left presents under our tree. i got a giant teddy bear and I took him everywhere.

Adrien said...

Dear Baby G,
Here are a few things my family and I like to do during Christmas time: My sister likes to dig long tonles in the snow because she likes to cralw in it. I like to through snow balls with my dad and my sister. My family and I have to drink orange juices by the time Christmas starts.(It is a family tertition for us.) I love to shuvle the snow of the side walk and the parking spot. I also like to make snow angles! Sometimes I like to bring some of my action figures in the snow. Those are a few things me and my family love to do during Christmas time!

Adrien Law

Dez said...

Dear Dylan,
Hi Dylan. How have you been? I hope you have an awesome first Christmas. On my first Christmas I was 4 months old. The only thing I got was a teddy bear. I named her Lola. I got a whole bunch of other toys too that were awesome!! But none of then were as special as Lola. I took her everywhere with me! When I was able to walk, I was one year old. I got a kitty aand a hamster. They were both named Selena. Selena #1 was my kitty and she tore off Lola's eyes. Selena #2 was the hamster; I gave her more attention. Kitty tried to eat my Hamster!! Ahhh!! That is some things about my first and maybe last Christmas.

cameron said...

Hey Dylan, This is Cameron one of my ealiest Christmas memories is when I went to my aunt Tammy's house, my whole familey was there. We were all by the Christmas tree and sang songs about Christmas , open presents, and then ate. I think your Christmas but with more presents because you are cute.
have a great Christmas
Sincerly ,

$Damion$ said...

Dear baby g,
Hey when I was at my old house it was December it was snowing hard we had like snow that would cover you up. So when I went outside my grandpa and threw my in the snow. It was so cold that I couldn’t move because the snow was so cold. So my grandma got my out me of the snow. I was like a icicle when my grandma was caring me that was my Christmas!!!

Love ,

santaman said...

Dear Dylan

How are you? You proably dont know what im saying because your a baby but tell your mom or Aunty Renee or your dad to help you make a snowman or snow angle.When you open your presents it,s like you opened a new world.If people say santa isn't real than dont beleave them you think what you want to think p.s wear a coat your friend Julian

Exited Jamie :) said...

Hey Baby G & Mom M! What's up? Guess what Last year exactly today Dec. 17,2009 I wore my green & pink frogy outfit I was talking reading & watching my classmates doing there thing to show their personality suddenly a Beep a voice from the office said can Jamie be dismissed? Sure said Ms. Renee! I get my backpack and everyone says by!!!!! I go home I see the Christmas tree it is gleaming. It fills me with the Christmas spirt! My Aunt came from G.A so we backed Cookies. Then we wrapped presents then when My Mom got home then we when to Texas De Brazilian it was so good. You tern your stamp to green & they give you lots and lots of Meat!!!! When we got home we all had a stomachache then we & made apple Cider & hot white chocolate then we opened the presents from them!!! A knock at the door I opened it & it was a Man in a suit. I saw the limo I almost fainted!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We got in the limo and went to down town Denver & saw lots of cool lights we got too see where the bronco's coach lives!! Well that was last year's Christmas. What are your Christmas plans?

Ms. Garcia said...

How wonderful to read your memories, 6th graders. Thanks for the beautiful day~~hey we even had a fluffy snow fall today!

Hoping you all have a blessed holiday. Enjoy your families, friends, and rest up.

With love,
Ms. renee

One of my best Christmas memeories is getting a typewriter from Santa Claus when I was about 7 yrs old. I wanted to be a poet so my parents, your grandparents, bought me an orange typewriter. It was glorious!

Merry Christmas little guy and hope to see you soon!

~~loca tia