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Monday, April 11, 2011

math and Bieber

Yellow sheet: practice with figuring mean and order of operations
along with:

ACE #1,2, 7 & 8 (p. 56-57)

extra/Ext #23 (p. 62)

We have 13 Math Lawyers to congratulate:
    Emma! Megan! Jamie! Erika! Tyler! Josh! Sydney! Natalie! Nikki! Dezz! Chesa! Harmony! and Chase!

stand up and be recognized you stunning 6th graders

If you haven't yet, finish up your essay answering the question: "Is Justin Bieber really happier than you?"


AustinRox!!! said...

Hey Ms. Garcia! So I just thought i would tell you that I have a blog!
It is:

Ms. Garcia said...

Aren't blogs fun?!! Letting people know what you're up to and, like you, supporting a cause. Our school fav: We(heart)Austin

Stay fabulous!