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Tuesday, August 9, 2011


kendra.c said...

"I wonder are we going to watch movies as a whole class this year?"
"I wonder when are you going to bring your dogs in and how often?"
" I wonder how much does outdoor lab cost?"

Tia said...

I wonder if ms.Garcia has a mythology page on here?

Tia said...

Hello Ms.Grcia this might sound like a crazy dog lover (witch I am!!!!)When will Azul and Luna come in and like Kendra said how often?

Ms. Garcia said...

Kendra and Tia**

I want to thank you both for your wonderings. I am hoping to bring Mr A.Z (azul) and Luna in as early as next week. You know I do wish we could have a schedule for them to visit but they are super busy with naps and naps and walks and even more naps. Let's hope for once every few months. ;)

Also Tia, I am still on the hunt for a super dooper mythology site. When I find one I will be sure to link it to our blog. Thanks for your curiosity! Mythology rocks!!

Take care,
your 6th grade teacher/learner
Ms. Garcia

Tia said...

Thank you Ms. Garcia for responding i know how hard it is to find a good mythology site and my dog Mirhia always fills her day with naps!( P.S. I'm going to bring mirhia on feild day are you going to bring your dogs?

Gordon said...

Got a new puppy. Excited to be back at school for a new week. Also for another week of P.E.

Ms. Garcia said...

Tia-- I have an idea: what if our class wrote letters to Mr. Maffoni about inviting Azul and Luna into our class? What do you think?

I really like your idea of bringing sweet AZ and Luna to field day. If it's not too hot, I bet they would love to participate and watch all kids enjoy such a fun day!

See you soon,
Ms. G

Ms. Garcia said...

Can you bring in a picture of your new puppy--soon?
You will have to tell us all about her/him!

I too am excited to get back to school with our whole class. It feels like we have all been gone for a week or something crazy like that.

Take care,
Ms. Garcia
p.s. PE rocks!

Tia said...

Hello Ms. Garcia I think that is a great idea but usualy it is very hot so you might want to bring them home during lunch time that's what my mom is doing
(P.S. Sorry I haven't responed i was busy with homework). :-P

Amaya said...

Hey Ms.Garcia!
I just made a blog a little bit ago. I was working on homework or otherwise I would have told you! Man, that took me forEVER, but I got it done! My blog name is
I can't wait till you check it out! Leave a comment or answer to my first post EVER!

Ms. Garcia said...

Amaya-- Did you receive my response to your blog? If not I will try again. Maybe our class could respond too.

I am still writing that scary story. Perhaps I should go ahead a submit my rough draft... hmm... what do you think?

Hope you had a terrific weekend;)
Ms. G

Tia said...

hi Ms.Garcia! got sick today hate getting sick probebly have alot of homework tomarrow going to be long day!!!! :-)

Gordon said...

I can't believe how hard it was to make my blog!!!! :P Amaya said it was supposed to be easy! well ok! my blog is "WWW. howl" EXTREMELY EXITED TO START POSTING!!!!

Ms. Garcia said...

I will be checking your blog out soon Gordon. Can't wait!

Challenging is great for the brain, yes?!!!

Take care,
Ms. Garcia

readerfreak22 said...

I got your scary story! I posted it on my blog and may I tell you it was awesome! You would be a great author!

Tia said...

I dont knowwhy but i cant blog on my computer but i used to do you know why?

Tia said...

Hi Ms.Garcia see you on monday!!!

Ms. Garcia said...

Tia-- Try clicking on refresh when you open a blog. Your computer might be "stuck" on a certain page. The refresh icon is usually in the URL address space.

See ya Monday----Happy October!!!

ms. garcia

Anonymous said...

Hi Ms. Garcia I just Created a blog its check it out!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi yawn going to bed jk but tired j cvvvvvv(fell asleep on keyboard.)