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Tuesday, December 6, 2011

How to... expose your expository writing

How is your informative expository writing progressing? 
After roll playing your writing with a peer, share your plan for your "HOW to..." expository piece
right here, on our blog!

Denver's Capitol Bldg lit up for holidays, makes you wonder about...
How were these lights placed on our capitol?
Mr. Terry demonstrates a very important part of "How to walk a dog (azul)"

How to pack a backpack

How to play peek-a-boo with yourself, courtesy of Dylan "baby g"


Anonymous said...

hahahahaha i love that video of your nephew he makes me laugh and i would love that pic of the out door lab thing it will remind me!

Dogfreak(Tia) said...

Baby g is so funny!!! he is so cute too! :-D

Kendra said...

baby G is so cute when he is playing peek a boo by him self and looking behind the mirro to see if he is there.

Werewolf (gordon) said...

My exository writing is coming along. I have just finished my flow map and am thinking about how to start, or hook my reader in the beginning. I am having fun with it. When we got to act it out and speak it out with a partner I realized that I had forgoten materials, some of the important ones. All around my expository writing is progressing smoothly!!

Ms. Garcia said...

Werewolf, Thank you! I can't tell you how super it is to get feedback, as a teacher, about our learning process. Telling me that it helped to rehearse (act out) was helpful, helps me realize what an important step that can be.

Also, I am glad to hear having fun with the expository piece.

Ms. Garcia
p.s. looking forward to having your recipe, Gordon, so can try your famous nachos!

readerfreak22(Amaya) said...

My writing is going pretty good, considering I was gone almost all week! I am still working on my plan but, I am almost done with my plan. I think it's kind of hard having to explain everything really, really, well. I think I may have to go back and re-read and make sure it's still sounds good!

Dogfreak(Tia) said...

Ms.Garcia, my expository writting is going great, i am almost on step three on my draft, i love doing expostory writting next im going to do a how to annoy people! :-D

Savanah said...

My expository had a rocky start,i noticed on my first idea that...i really didnt know to do it very well.So now im making my how to on how to make a snowman.I think this is going to be much easier, plus my flow map didnt take as much time.I think i hooked my reader too with my intro!!!I think with my new topic is much funner.
p.s.Baby G is soooooo adorable.

Ducky77 said...

My How To is going very good! I love the topic. Yesterday I finished my first draft and today I am going to revise it. This weekend Tia's coming over and we are going to paint abstracts of our own. We will take pictures of each step and add it to my how to! I hope I ccan share with the class. I also love baby g! he's so cute! Have a good weekend! ;" FYI thats a ducky!

Werewolf said...

Can't wait for you to try my famous nachos!!!!!~!

Sean said...

My how to is how to camp in the forest and from a book i own(My Side of the Mountain) i got some help. I am past the flow map and writing the how to now!

austin said...

I think that my exspository writing is going just fine. Also, I think that I'ts fun. Because love to write.

movie lilia said...

my HOW TO is AWESOME i can't wait to continie my "How to Film a Scary Movie". I'm on step 4 and thinnking I might need to explain not to go in a strangers house. But my story needs to hook to reader a bit more.

writting king said...

My expository writting is coming along just fine but there were some "rose petals" and "thorns." But i perservered and made my How-to

amory said...

my expository is coming just fine. i have just finished my flow map and decided to sketch pictures. when you told us to share them with a partner i noticed some materials were missing! but i had added them now thinking of a way to start my procces.

Jack said...

My expository writing is coming just fine. I have run into a few bumps in the road but I pull through.Such as; thinking of how to hook my reader, or how to add in content i left out. But otherwise my brain and my writing are cooperating,So far.............

mike said...

The how to is going well but i started over because the last one i did i just did not not feeel it but now i do.

marisa said...

my expository writing is doing pretty good. im not even finished with my flomap butt that is because i keep addimg many sticky notes. my pages are filled with them! other than that i think i chose the right suject.

tyler said...

my expository writing is going good all i need to do is revise edit and final copy

zaley said...

my exository writing is coming along firly good! i am editing my how to right now and i but all of my details and my metrials! `im having a lot of fun!

Tyler said...

my expository wrigting is going good and now i need to do is revise edit and final copy

Bunaduckasaurus(Val) said...

My how to is coming just how I planned. I am working toward my revision process. I can not wait to finish! i finished my first draft starting to edit.

braden said...

my how to writing is coming good i just finished my first draft of it and i think i would need to change it again,but i think it was fun when we got to act it out and share our stories to a partner and i want to do this again but i dont, because i dont have any thing to do any more but it was still fun doing this piece.

kyle said...

My exspository writing is going good luckly Im at my publishing stage so Im pretty happy. If you have any questions please respond to Mrs. Garcias blog.

Ms. Garcia said...

Kyle-- That is so cool of you! Thanks for offering your writing services or peer editing skills to others in our class.

I am thankful;)

Ms. Garcia