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Thursday, January 5, 2012

Have you been persuaded?

My mascara was tested on monkey?  

buy 2 for the price of 1!    excellent!!!!

Buy a Happy Meal, get some Legos---free (he he)!


rick said...

the add for animal testing persuaded me becuase. animals are part of nature and if we keep testing make up on them then we might as not have any animals att all!

dog freak (Tia) said...

I think that we should stop testing on animals because that it like animal abuse and should be consitered as a crime. Think of all of the animals that have died because of the makup! testing on animals is'nt right and should be a law stating that we can no longer test on animals and start testing on something else because if we dont stop now then maybe some of the speices of the animals might go extinked! If you think about it and all of those cute little dogs, cats, and other animals dieing we should either stop whering makeup or stop testing on alimals! also i like the buy 2 get the price of 1!

Ducky77 (Torrey) said...

I agree that we should not test makeup on animals. It is a horrible thing to do. From all of the chemicals in the makeup, people make animals sick and sometimes even die. If we have to test makeup on animals in order to wear it, nobody should wear it at all. The ad is very persuading. I hope you agree with me and the very persuasive ad about not testing makeup on animals, causing them to get sick and/or die.

Sean said...

I have not been persuaded at all because I don't like make up, legos, or cars. None would work on me.