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Thursday, February 2, 2012

Endangered Species

For more info check these websites out:
   Debate about gray wolf continues. Article link attached

      Click on link below to find out more about the most endangered animal in the bear family:
Giant Panda article

How many endangered species are there?

An endangered species is an animal that is in danger of becoming extinct. The International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN) reports that out of 47,000 species of animals and plants surveyed, more than 17,000 could become extinct!
That's means one out of five mammals and one out of three amphibians are on the brink of extinction.*
  • Mammals:Roughly one out of five species
  • Birds:Roughly one out of eight species
  • Amphibians:Roughly one out of three species
*All figures sourced from the 2009 edition of the IUCN Red List.


turtleluver1324 said...

We have created our blog! It is . You should check it out! So far only Tia and I have done anything to it. By the way, it's Torrey.

readerfreak22 said...


I am so nervous! When we go to OELS we don't have our full guide filled out! The snow is already up to my shins! WHAT ARE WE GOING TO DO?!

Ms. Garcia said...

I will be sure to check out your blog this weekend. Great title gals!
Also, me, all will be OK. We actually did finish filling out our Field Guides. The rest of the pages will be done next week during Outdoor Lab.

I will see you Monday morning in the cafeteria, at our usual school time.

Hope you have a chance to get out and have fun in our fluffy white snow! enjoy!!

Ms. Garcia

readerfreak22 said...

Thank you!

I feel a lot more calm! I have been freaking out and, my mom is all "It's okay there's no need to freak out!" My mom and you have helped me calm down. We are going to go take pictures and have fun in the snow! I hope you have a great rest of your weekend and that YOU get to play in the snow!


Ms. Garcia said...

We did get to romp around in the snow with Azul and Luna this weekend. You should see them. They are like bunny rabbits hop-hop hopping through the snow!
Their snowy piks are on our other class blog.

Glad to hear all is better and will see you bright and early Monday morning---can't wait to head up the mountain!

Ms. Garcia

Anonymous said...

Hi Ms.Garcia! happy to go back and see every one! hope you had a good time in out door lab it was sooooo fun!I;m glad I went when we got there i said to Brandy, No turning back now! abd was freaking out but i had nothing to worry about it reminded me of middle school!

savanah said...

I think that Grey wolves shouldnt be hunted no matter what,even if they kill livestock.Wolves are endangered...that means you need to protect them,not KILL them!!!!!!People should respect the animals in their enviorment and deal with the fact that they nned to be saved!!!!!!!!!!

armando said...

I just read the gray wolf story. I think people should stop killing gray wols because they are awsom and they were on the indangerd list.

Werewolf said...

I have just read the article about the wolves. I can not believe that hunters think that they have any right to hunt and kill an innocent wolf. I don't understand why people get so frustrated with wolves when they kill livestock. I mean really come on it is just a chicken,cow, or even a pig you can always get more! Livestock is part a wolf's food supply. I hope that the commissioner of the one country town can find some brains, heart, and stop thinking of just himself! I hope that a law is put into place where anyone that kills a single wolf is given a mildly seveer punishment. Wolves are my favorite animal so i care. Those people who are hunting and killing innocent wolves need to stop a use their heads just a little bit and think "What if I was that wolf that had no choice but to hunt livestock and have to be scared every day about being shot!"
Stop and use use your heads a little. Stop thinking about yourselves and think about the creature. "Think befroe you act. Or some day you will end you will end up endangered too!"

savanah said...

Ms.Garcia-Go to the WWF website and look at the Sumatran Elephants.70 percent and 1/2 of its population has been lost in ONE(!!!)generatioin!The nubers are getting lower so fast that WWF is calling an IMEDIATE stop to all forest clearing in the Indonesian islands of Sumatra!!!Along with that,elephants are under even more threat from increacing ivory trade in 2011.23 metric tons of ivory...thats an estimated 2,500 elephants.

readerfreak22 said...


did you know that: The number of Lions – strongest of all animals- is becoming smaller. People are killing the Lions, and their living space is disappearing. Some people kill Lions to protect livestock, or to take their skin and meat, or just to have fun hunting them. The real natural enemy of Lions is we, the people. I cannot believe that we are the REAL enemies of lions. I love lions, they're so cute and fierce!

Dog freak (Tia) said...

I think the wolves should NOT be taken of the endangered species list because if they are then hunter would shoot them on site and then the wolves would be put back on the endangered species list anyways. What i am trying to say is that if we do then wolves would just be put back on due to the over hunting. wolves were put on the endangered species list because of hunting and the habitat why would we want them to be extincted an just be put back on! wolves should be kept on the endangered species list because of the over hunting some states already have them off so lets keep them on!