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Sunday, April 8, 2012

Our 1st grade friends sharing their "How To..." writing

6th graders were very impressed!

Sharing our writing talent is super cool!

Writing is a tool to rock the world. Our first grade friends rocked our world!

Thanks for coming to our class. Please come and visit again;)


readefreak22 said...

The day the little 1st graders came in I was absent :( ! If I had been here I think reading the first graders writing would have benefited me by seeing different writing, the writing would be different from my writing, my peers writing and even my teachers writing. It would benefit the first grader by getting someone else's comment, not their teacher or their friends, but someone who wasn't used to reading first grade writing. I really wish I was here to see and read the writing that would be so very different from sixth grade writing!

Savanah said...

As a reader of your "How to" on sandwiches i'd like to tell my first grade friend Maya that her writing was so great... although it made me hungry.She clearly explained all of the details,and her pictures were very great!If I could read another "How To"by a first grader it would benefit me by helping me understand and study other"How To"'s.In conclusion,Thanks so much for the great writing you guys really showed us "How To" write!:)

Bayly said...

The frist of two compliments if i could that i would give to my first grade buddy would be, I loved your story it was the best how to I've ever read. Second your pictures were amazing! If I could read or share some more writing it could benifit me by letting me see if my writing is actully entertaining and not boaring or help the first graders get better with there writing to have that advantage for latter on in school. Also thank you to the first graders who took time out of there day to come and share there wonderful writing with us.

Gordon said...

As a reader of your "How To.." writing peice on Legos, I want to tell my first grade freind, Malichi, that your writing showed great detail. I understood every step, one by one. Your writing showed great potential. If i read more of my first grade freinds writing it could benefit him by giving him more confidence to share with others and not be afraid of their input. It would benefit me by being able to give my input and letting me help him a little bit. I think that is a benefit. Overall, i think that Malachia's writing was awesome! Also, i et that everyone of the first graders writing was amazing! Keep working your already great at it, but there is always room for improvement. Even for us sixth graders!!!!!!

Ducky77 said...

As a reader of your how to writing piece on How to Play a DS, I want to tell my first grade friend that your writing showed excellent handwriting, pictures, and the fact that the story makes sense. If I were to share my writing or read some more from our first grade friends, it would benefit me in having more confidence in my writing. It would benefit the first graders because they will most likely try to be like us with neat handwriting and more descriptive words. I don't remember what my first grade buddy's mane is, but he was definitely an excellent writer.
- Torrey

Tia said...

i loved my little first grade friend's writing on how to make a dress. Since i am a 6th grader i did remember when i was in first grade. I loved how she drew her pictures all nice and neat. i also love her writing and how the writing explained her "how to". If i could read her my story on "how to" it would benefit me by seeing my mistakes and what i could do better. my story would benefit my first grade friend by seeing how 6th graders writing is. In conclusion, i would like to say that we should have the first grader to come here or we go over there to read our "how to" writing.

Sean said...

As a reader of your "how to" writing on gardening i want to tell my first grade friend Jacob that your writing showed nice illustrations and something my grandma will like to know!

Anonymous said...

Dear first grader,
As a reader of your "how to" writing piece on "running", i want to tell my first grade friend that your " how to run", was very illestrated on your pictures that had color. Also your "how to run" was very orginazed that the reader can learn how to run. Inconclusion, I would like to say that it was really awesome.
6th grader

Val;] said...

As a reader of your "how to"writing peice sandwiches, I want to tell my first grade friend, McKenzie, that I thinkyour writing show spectacular grammer and your reading is quite fluent. Also, your pictures were dazzling.
Ending with, my first grade reader,McKenzie has a talent and a passion for writing.

braden and chris said...

as a reader of your "how to".... writing piece on 2 things i would like to tell my first grade friend,use more capitals, and periods, and puncuation. an anther thing is to work on the hand writing to look neat.

zaley said...

Dear My First Grade Friend,
As a reder of your "how to" writing piece on "cooking", I wanted to tell my first grade friend, that I loved how you read your story to me and how neat it was. That was an outstanding story. I really enjoyed all of the 1st graders coming in to share with us! Thanks 1st grders
6th Grader!

amory said...

As a reader of your "how to" i was pleased in your brilliant awesome snowman. I also liked the way you stayed on topic and not telling how to do somethin totally different.Your sixth grade friend Amory.

Tyler said...

Dear 1st graderi loved the picece of wrighting. Espeshaly the part were you were planting the flowers. your wrighting was rilly neat. I think you are going to be a how to writer In conclution i rilly want more writing from her.

KYLE said...

Dear first grader,
My small friend told me about how to make pizza. I want to tell her that her writing was perfect. She really explained her piece. But in every gade she will do better. She knows her writing more then I do. She was a little shy,but she got the hang of it. I hope she turns out to be a great 6th grader.
In conclusion,her writing peice made me hungry for pizza. Im preety sure that every first grader did a fantastic job.

dean said...

things i learned about matter
there are 3 types of matter solids liguids and gases
condensation happens when a gas turns to a liqid
evaporation happens whena liquid turns to a gas
molicules in a gas move around really quickly
the hotter molicules get it turns to a gas
the colder molicules get it turns to a solid
water is the only kind of matter that can be a solid liquid and a gas.

if i were to pick a matter i would be a gas because then i could move wereever i wanted to.