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Thursday, April 5, 2012

Why does matter matter?

STATES of Matter

Watch the video (link above), view other resources online if you wish, then respond to blog in comment section.

What to write about?
Include at least 7 things you learned about states of matter.
Finally, explain the state of matter you would most prefer to be and why you would prefer to be that particular state of matter.


Autumn said...

Things I learned:
-I learned the boiling point
-the freezing point
-the evaporating point.
-Gas moves everywhere and anywhere it can.
-The molicules in a solid our usually in a patterned arrangment.
-in solids, the particles are locked into space.
-Carbon dioxide can be a solid gas, and liquid.
-properties describe matter
-Solids liquids and gases are all mad up of the same thing(I already knew this, but when I first learned this it came as a shock to me.)

danielle said...

7 facts about the state of matter are:
1.the freezing point is 32 degrees.
2.the molecules in a gas state move around really fast.
3.the molecules in a liquid state move around slower than they do in a gas.
4.the molecules in a solid state are tightly packed together. can control the way the molecules move by heating up or cooling down the water.
6.liquid that turns into gas is called evaporation.
7.when gas turns back into a liquid it is called condensation.

I think I would rather be a liquid because then I can still move around and my molecules would still be moving just not crazy fast.

juanita said...

1.there are three states of matter.[solid, liquid, and gas.]
2.matter is anything that takes up space.
3.if the molecules move fast it is a gas.
4. if they move about med. speed it is a liquid.
5.when the molecules don't move at all it is a solid.
6.adding heat and also taking it away can change the state.
if i cold be a state of matter i would be a liquid. i would be a liquid becausei would feel lonly if i was a gas because all of my molecules move around cazily, and if i was a solid i would never change shape and that wold be very boaring.if i am a liquid i can change she. it's not too hot or too cold.

Jaylynn said...

i learned that: 1. when water turns into gas its called evaporation. 2. to maake solids into liquids you have to reach 32degrees. 3. all of the states of matter depend on tempeture. 4. patricals in a gas seperate wi9th no regular arrangment. 5. there is really 5 states of matter called solids, liquids, gas, plasma, and bose-einstein condensates. 6. plasma is the rarest states of matter. 7. bose-einstein condensates are matireals that are cooled to as low as -273degrees cellsious.
if i was a form of matter i would want to be plasme because the atoms move free and its the rarest matter. :)

Kenda Anders said...

When a Solid gets hot/warm it turns into water, let's say ice, ice is a Solid and when it gets hot it melts into a Liquid. Or Peroxide, if it stays out in the sun too much it evaporates.
Gas assumes the shape and volume of its container (particles can move past one another)
Liquid assumes the shape of the part of the container which it occupies (particles can move/slide past one another)
Solids retains a fixed volume and shape together-particles locked into place
Solids can be transformed into liquids by melting, and liquids can be transformed into solids by freezing. Solids can also change directly into gases through the process of sublimation
At temperatures below its critical temperature, a gas is also called a vapor, and can be liquefied by compression alone without cooling. A vapor can exist in equilibrium with a liquid (or solid), in which case the gas pressure equals the vapor pressure of the liquid (or solid).
When a solid is heated above its melting point, it becomes liquid, given that the pressure is higher than the triple point of the substance.
The particles of a Solid are arranged in a tight, regular pattern and move very little.

Morgan said...

1. Water has to be 32'F to freeze.
2.Particals in gas vibrate and move fast.
3. Liquid flows easily and is not easy compressed.
4. Gas is comressible and also flows easy.
5. Liquids ans Solids are often referred to condensed phrases.
6. Solids retain a fixed volume and shape.
7. Solids are tightly packed.

brandy vestal said...

when solid gets hot it turns to water and when water gets hot it turns to gas.When water turns to gas its called evaporation. Particles cannot move freely but can only vibrate.Solids can be transformed into liquids by melting, and liquids can be transformed into solids by freezing. Solids can also change directly into gases. Liquids can change there shape.gases have the most space to move around and solids have the least.

brian said...

the colder the matter gets the slower and the warmer they get the faster they move the change from gas to water is condensation,the change from water to gas is precipitation,freezing point is 32 degrees if there hot they are far aprt and if there cold there closer.the 3 states are liquid,solid,and gas

Gabe said...


Angel S.M. said...

After watching the video i learned:
1.Water has to be 32'F to freeze
2.The molicules in a solid our usually in a patterned arrangment
3.Carbon dioxide can be a solid gas, and liquid
4.The slower matter is the colder it is
5.The faster it is the hotter it is
6.From gas to liqued is called condensation
7. Properties describe matter

I would want to be a gas so i could move as fast and as far as i wanted, and i (most of the time) cant be contained.

angel said...

soild s are really easy to reconize soild are made of tiny particles called atoms the atoms are really Close too each other luquids are made up of atoms but they run around like a socer team keep on running around gas s are made up of atoms but they spread out like a football team keep on running around avoiding eachother angel ordonez

marcus said...

1.if you cool gas it turns into liquid.
2.if you cool liquid it turns into a solid.
3. when you keep molicues cold it freezes.
4.when water is boiled the molicues can move.
5.when you heat liquid it turns into a gas.
6.also when you cool down gas it turns into liquid.
7.thats the cycle

devyn said...

I learned the freezing point is 32 degress.when a liquid turns to a gaz it is called evaporation.The state of matter depends on how fast the molecules move.when it is realy hot the matter is gas, when it gets a little cooler it becomes a liquid which is called condensation.Matter is anything that takes up space as a liquid solid or gas. when a solid gets heated it becomes a liquid.when matter changes its state it is how fast the molecules. I would want to be a solid because i wouldent sprea around alot

sofiya said...

7 facts about the states of matter.
1.solids are tightly packed.
2.matter is any thing that takes up space.
3.the freezing piont is at 32 degrees.
4.liquid that turns into gas is called evaporation.
5.solids retain a fixed volume and shape.
6.when water freezes it turns into liquid.
7.states of matter depends on how fast the molicules move.

I think i would be a liqiud because the molicules don't move fast or slow.

Alex Morgan said...

1.liquid, solid, gas are states of madder.
2.madder is anything that takes up space as a liquid, solid, or gas.
3.the madder dertermens by how mast the molicules move.
4.gas makes the the molicules move faster. hot it is makes the molicules move faster.
6.moliculesmove slower in solids.
7.when gas turns to liquid it is called condonesatiion.
I would be a gas because i could move the most.

mark said...

1 marces is a soled
2 liqed int compresebel
3 32o when freezes
4 smoke is a gas
5 ice is a soled
6 poepol are soleds,gases,and liqed
7 hiluem is a tip of gas

Sydney said...

Sydney said.......
Things i learned:
-The freezing point is 32 degrees
-The boiling point is 100 degrees
-The states of mater change depending on temeture(How close or far apart molicules are)
-When a liquid turns into a gas it called evaporation
-When a gas turns into a liquid its called codonsation
-Water can be all 3 types of matter
-Molocules move fast in gas

-I want to be a liquid because i could move around but not to fast.