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Thursday, November 12, 2009

Fitzmorris Veterans Day Ceremony

The Choir singing American Tears
Jimmy escoted his courageous Grandpa to our flag ceremony.

Honor Guard does their job. Thanks to Emma, Chessa, Megan, and Chase.

Ian and his very brave grandpa.


Sydney said...

Hi Mrs. Garcia,
I think the Veterans Day Ceremony was realy great. For the first time at Fitzmorris choir got to honor our veterans.

Ms. Garcia said...

I couldn't agree more! I know for a fact that the war veterans that were at our school that day were extremely touched by all your voices. I overheard someone say "I've never felt so appreciated in all my years..."

Isn't that awesome!

Thanks for sharing Syd, and thanks again for singing your heart out!

Chessa said...

Hey Ms.G,
The veterans day ceremony was unbelievable. It was so cool to do honor guard and sing to honor all of our veterans.

Ms. Garcia said...

Thanks so much for doing "double duty" that day. You were part of honor guard and choir. Way to multi-task!

I hope we have a similar ceremony next year, don't you? Would you please do me a favor? Thank you sister for being brave, and being a part of our ceremony on Nov 11.

Julianne Hans said...

I am really proud of my Dad for serving 30 yrs in the Army and being a 3 Star General. He didn't know how Ian would react to him being in that long so he told him 20. A little dissapointed Mrs. Brakken didn't mention he was Ian's Grandfather but it was a great day and what a great pic of them.