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Thursday, September 30, 2010

The day has arrived...


The day we have all been waiting for has arrived! As you know, all long-term Mineral assignments due Friday, 10/1.  All "mineral voices" will be shared with our class tomorrow.


Not to worry parents, pictures will be posted on our blog from our mineral event.
Also, take time to work on your creative word cards for:
The ones we saw today were stunning and wildly creative!

We do not have any other math HW tonight.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Homework for September 29,2010

Maddie, our media magician wrote today's blog entry. Way to go Maddie!

Tonight's homework includes: math worksheets (4 pages),
reading log, and WordWork (homework menu).

Don't forget about our long term assignment about your favorite mineral due Friday, October 1, 2010!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Writing Rocks on Wednesday!

Due 9/29:
     Your final Sept. HW Menu writng assignment
          Spelling Test and receive new words for the week
                  Always independently and log it!

Keep working on your LONG-Term HW Menu assignment
Friday Mix-up

Will your favorite mineral find its voice?

It draws…it smells… hears…

Imagine it! Paint the picture for your audience using descriptive language and sketches if you see fit.
**This long-term assignment is due: Oct 1st
Ideas to ponder: Might we see the mineral in a play with other minerals? How will you best convey your knowledge of your favorite mineral? If you mineral could sign what would it say?

Persuasion---imagination---knowing your mineral (or minerals) inside and out are all key elements in meeting the standard for this assignment.

1a-Written document with image
To exceed standard:
1b- Written document along with performance including images, props, acting, etc.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Due Sept. 28th

~~Math: 3.4 #A (p.41) EC: #B
#24-26 (p. 43-44)
EC #30 (p.44)

~~HW Menu: Math (last item)

Fundraiser packets with items sold, and money from participants is due tomorrow as well. Thanks for helping us raise money for technology in our school!

Friday, September 24, 2010

Catch up on Indep. Reading and math

Almost everyone finished up math HW in class today. Way to be focused 6th graders!!
Due Monday---
Math Daily Work: 
3.3 #A1 & B (p. 40-41)

 ACE 3.3

#16-18 (p. 43)
EC #22, 23 & EXT #39 (p. 45)


Thursday, September 23, 2010

For Friday Sept. 24

Wear you Fitzmorris colors or Fitzmorris T-shirt for Spirit Day tomorrow!!

Math HW:
  Daily work 3.2 #A or B (or both to exceed standard)
ACE #10, 11 and 15 (p. 42-43)
EC #9 (p. 42)

Your LONG term mineral assignment (see HW Menu) should be almost ready for us to see.... It is due Friday October 1st

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

To DO for Thursday~~ hey hey

OK we have our Word Work from HW Menu due Thur.
FYI parents -- you child received their new spelling words today!!

We also have the following Math HW:
ACE 3.1
#2 and 4 (p. 42)
EC #31 and 32 (p. 44)

Oh yes, your Indep. Reading Log which you have been filling out for a week now, is due tomorrow as well.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Due Tues (today) was:

Math-Daily Work 2.3 A, B & C; ACE 2.3, and Math from your HW Menu

Due Wed.:

Writing from your HW Menu, study for Spelling Test, Indep. Reading, Science 1-4 Analysis Questions and Conclusion on p. 14

Also, bring in your 1st and 2nd choice preference for October Parent/Student/Teacher conference!! The schedule of times available went home today.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Reasoning with...

Tonight's Math:
2.2 "Reasoning with Even and Odd Numbers" (p. 24-26)
Problem 2.2 #A1-A6 many students finished these during class today
#10-13 (p. 30)

EC: 14, 16, & 25 (p. 31 & 33)

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Items to be turned in Sept. 16th

As always your Reading LOG is due on Thursday's.

Choose an item from Word Work section on HW Menu to be turned in tomorrow as well.
((Parents, a new word list was handed out and reviewed with students today))

If not finished in class today, then finish science tonight--
Science 1-3 "Checking Properties"

Analysis Questions and Conclusion (p. 11)

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Tonight's HW

From your HW Menu, writing is due tomorrow.
We will also have our first spelling test tomorrow!

Math HW tonight:
2.1 Finding Patterns
In class we made Factor Rainbows & Rectangle Models
Classwork also included: #B1-4 (p. 24)

ACE (p. 30-34)
1-8 only the even OR odd problems, & #23
EC #29-31
EXT #33

Monday, September 13, 2010

Due Tues.

1 math assignment from our HW Menu is due
Mathematical Reflection 1 (MR#1) Most almost finished this today in class**
Assessment questions are on p. 21 in math book

Also, don't forget we have a Spelling Test from our 1st list on Wednesday. Parents look for a new set of spelling words to come home Wed. as well!

Math (Due Tuesdays)

1-Play the Factor or Product Game at least 3 times with an adult family member. Write a 1 page reflection on how the games went overall. Include such reflections as what you noticed, did you or your partner make a great first move or a lousy one, etc. The adult or parent must sign your game board (attached).

2-Write down definitions for at least 7 of the following 10 math vocabulary words from our Prime Time book. Expectation: define math terms by using your own words and give own examples.

prime number
greatest common factor (GCF)
composite number
square numbers
least common multiple (LCM)
factor pair

3-Complete both A and B.
A) Create one venn diagram or Y chart comparing and contrasting factors of 40 and 36.
B) Create a venn diagram or Y chart that compares and contrasts multiples of 6 and 9 (keep going until you get as close to 100 as possible).

Friday, September 10, 2010

Enjoy your weekend 6th graders.
Check your HW Menu for items to work on that are due Tues-Fri.

Extra time? Get started this weekend, right?

Don't forget your HW that needs to be REdone or was incomplete. Turn in Monday for credit!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Math ACE & Start Fri. Mix up

Due Friday: Please see yesterday's post for ACE 1.3 math HW


Begin working on long-term Mineral project. See below for HW Menu details

Friday Mix-up

Will your favorite mineral find its voice?
It draws…it smells… hears…

Imagine it! Paint the picture for your audience using descriptive language and sketches if you see fit.

**This long-term assignment is due: Oct 1st

Ideas to ponder: Might we see the mineral in a play with other minerals? How will you best convey your knowledge of your favorite mineral? If you mineral could sign what would it say?

Persuasion---imagination---knowing your mineral (or minerals) inside and out are all key elements in meeting the standard for this assignment.

Required to submit #1a
1a-Written document with image

To exceed standard submit all of the following:
1b- Written document along with performance including images, props, acting, etc.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

*Due Thursday*

*Reading Log

*Science 1-2 "Meeting the Minerals"(unless quality work finished in class)
Procedures thru Conclusion

Finding Multiples (Math due Fri. but can get started tonight!)
Problem 1.3 A, B, D (p. 13)
ACE 1.3
17, 19a,b,c, 20, 23 & EC#27 (p. 15-16)
and EC #45, 46 (p. 19)

*HW Menu Word Work
Choose 1 of the 4 below to complete and turn in tomorrow...along with other goodies from above;-)

(1)From our Daily Language Instruction--DLI
*Week 1: Proper Nouns (attached)
*Week 2: Capitalization (attached)
You will also need a large piece of construction paper for the Week 2 activity (provided in class).

(2) Use all of your spelling words from this week to write sentences that count! Underline the spelling word used in each sentence. For example, Jessie and Samson walked in the Arvada Harvest Parade this year while wearing Fitzmorris T-shirts, waving to everyone, and basically having a terrific time.

(3) Create a story with a solid BME (Beg., middle and, end) using at least 13 of this week’s spelling words from your Words Their Way (WTW) spelling list.
How will I know which words are from your list?? Write she spelling words using 1)different colors or 2)write them correctly from last letter to first. For example, decay would be spelled “yaced.”

(4) Submit the 10-step Word Study, using this week’s words. Both sides of the Word Study worksheet expected to be completed (attached) and signed by adult at home.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

HW Menu (no math HW tonight)

As per our new September 2010 HW Menu, you need to choose only 1 of the 4 Writing assignments to complete and turn in tomorrow. Remember Quality Counts!!

Writing a tool to rock the world! (Due Wed-nes-days)

(1)Write a personal narrative based on a childhood memory. Ask a parent or adult at home for help. Use a memory map sketch to help you dig for memories. At least 2 paragraphs expected (**5-7 sentences = 1 paragraph**) Turn in/submit (1)plan (memory map for example), (2)rough draft, (3)edited draft and (4)final copy in order to meet standard.

(2)Persuade Mrs. BrakKen! Choose a subject you would be excited to use in a persuasive essay to our principal, Mrs. Brakken. For example, chewing gum in 6th grade, bringing skateboard to school, making our school green and environmentally cool., etc. Expectation: Two--Three paragraphs to meet standard. Turn in your final copy only!

(3) Survey! Conduct an in-class or school survey on a topic of interest. ~Come up with a survey question to ask, ~~Figure out when survey will be conducted , ~~~create graph to show data collected (bar, pie, pictograph, Line, etc.) ~~~~Analyze your data in 1 paragraph or more by including any surprises, unanswered curiosities on subject, how would change survey if could ask again, etc. This HW project may be conducted with a partner .

(4) Write a letter to me, your 6th grade teacher. What would you like me to know about you? What might you like to know about me? This letter should be a 2-sided letter (front and back), and written on lined paper. Remember your letter writing basics: heading, salutation, body of letter , and closing of letter. You might even want to include a post-script (p.s.) after closing your letter.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Math and Reading and FUn!

HW for this weekend:


Problem 1.2

A.1-A.3, (with labsheet), B, F, & H (p. 10)

ACE 1.2

#10-13, & 15

EC: 9 (p. 14-15)

Independent Reading

Remember at least 3 hours of reading per week out of a "Good Fit" book helps you as a reader and a writer.

Enjoy your long weekend 6th graders!

I'll see ya Tuesday 8*) Ms. Garcia

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Prime Time HW

In class math assignment today: Problem 1.1 A, B, & D (p.9)

Math HW tonight due 9/3: ACE 1.1 #1,3,4,6,7 (p. 14)