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Monday, September 13, 2010

Due Tues.

1 math assignment from our HW Menu is due
Mathematical Reflection 1 (MR#1) Most almost finished this today in class**
Assessment questions are on p. 21 in math book

Also, don't forget we have a Spelling Test from our 1st list on Wednesday. Parents look for a new set of spelling words to come home Wed. as well!

Math (Due Tuesdays)

1-Play the Factor or Product Game at least 3 times with an adult family member. Write a 1 page reflection on how the games went overall. Include such reflections as what you noticed, did you or your partner make a great first move or a lousy one, etc. The adult or parent must sign your game board (attached).

2-Write down definitions for at least 7 of the following 10 math vocabulary words from our Prime Time book. Expectation: define math terms by using your own words and give own examples.

prime number
greatest common factor (GCF)
composite number
square numbers
least common multiple (LCM)
factor pair

3-Complete both A and B.
A) Create one venn diagram or Y chart comparing and contrasting factors of 40 and 36.
B) Create a venn diagram or Y chart that compares and contrasts multiples of 6 and 9 (keep going until you get as close to 100 as possible).

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